pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1187 It’s Difficult to Choose a Life-Saving Method

Chapter 1187 It’s Difficult to Choose a Life-Saving Method (7)
Even if they spoke, they were still delirious and didn't know what they were talking about, so naturally the ghost doctor couldn't do anything, but after knowing the symptoms at this moment, there was still a glimmer of life after all.

It's just that at this moment, it is very risky for the patient to try the disease himself. After all, once the disease is catalyzed, even she has no way of predicting what will happen in it, so at this moment the ghost doctor seeks reassuring advice.

"You can think about it," the ghost doctor looked at this and said with peace of mind. She knew that this matter was not easy to make a decision over there, but at this moment the door was pushed open, and Qin Yihan walked away with a gloomy face. came in.

"If you want someone to try the disease, you can find me, why bother to come here?" At this moment, Qin Yihan looked at the ghost doctor with a sullen look on his face. His master was really uneasy and kind, and she actually persuaded the little girl to take the initiative to catch the disease.

"Han..." When An Xin saw Qin Yihan walking in, she hurried over, afraid that this man would be stupid, after all, she knew Qin Yihan's personality very well, and knew that when this man was stupid, he was definitely a stupid boy.

But at this moment, when the ghost doctor saw Qin Yihan, he glanced at him lightly, without any embarrassment of being caught, "You? It's just an extra life for you to come, and it's not worth using at all." There will be, but this girl is different, she is a doctor herself, so she is more aware of illness and pain than you, and also knows how to relieve it, and what good news can you give me? You, but at the moment you have nothing at all, so you let go of your thoughts. I am afraid that it is difficult to have others with this girl at the moment. Although there are many doctors in the village, how many people do you think can survive? Or Can you use them to test medicine?"

The ghost doctor also knew Qin Yihan's temperament very well, after all, he was his apprentice, how could he not know what was going on in this silly boy's mind, but even if he knew, she wanted to see if he was willing to do so today.

"Of course, if a good apprentice is willing to be a medicine man for me, the master will naturally not object, but don't forget that I have poisoned you a lot when I was a child, and I am afraid that I have already practiced it. Invasion, if you want to get sick at this moment, you have to take a look, and you will get sick if you don't give me face." The ghost doctor looked at Qin Yihan with a light smile, and there was a hint of sneer on that twisted face.

Just feel at ease but don't know why?Under the old eyes, I found that under the thick sneer, there was another kind of sadness, which couldn't be dispelled, especially when looking at Qin Yihan, the cold eyes would also change unconsciously. warm up.

"Master, you,,, you can't make fun of Xin'er's life, master, don't let the apprentice hate you," Qin Yihan pulled An Xin away when he heard the ghost doctor's words, although his words were very hurtful.

It's just that Qin Yihan is very aware of her master's personality, her master is like this, every time she will do whatever it takes to achieve her goal, even if she sacrifices a careful girl at this moment, it is not hesitating for her master.

When the ghost doctor heard Qin Yihan's words, when he saw Qin Yihan's leaving back, he leaned back unconsciously, don't make me hate you?

"Sure enough, I won't be my apprentice," the ghost doctor chuckled, but the smile seemed a little sad. He didn't expect that in his mind, he would be such an unscrupulous person. It seems that this silly boy loves it so badly that girl.

The ghost doctor sat there and looked up at the ceiling for a moment. Maybe she was really wrong this time, but she was just giving a shortcut to feel at ease at the beginning, not to mention that in her mind, peace of mind is a disaster, a disaster for thousands of years. A scourge that would never die, how could it be possible to die because of such a thing? !
(End of this chapter)

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