pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1195 Xueran and Junhua

Chapter 1195 Xueran and Junhua (7)
Qin Yihan was very angry at An Xin's absoluteness, but he was very aware of An Xin's temperament, so he never blocked An Xin's decision.

In the future, she will definitely regret it, especially when An Youcai and Xiao Yaya have an accident, she will definitely regret that she did not choose to save them that day, so he backed down and didn't say anything more.

Because they both clearly want each other to be happy, they just want to see each other's smile. In order not to embarrass An Xin in the future, and to make An Xin have no regrets for the rest of his life, he chose to back down and acquiesce.

Even if she might lose her in this matter, he still supports her choice, "Be careful girl, this is the last time, the last time, it doesn't matter if you can't wake up, because I will be with you all my life,"

This is the last time to let her be willful, and also the last time to indulge her, Qin Yihan cleared some water on An Xin's cheek, and soon wiped An Xin's cheek, and wiped An Xin's forehead The man above, be careful girl, wake up quickly.

But at this moment, the person in Qin Yihan's arms twisted his body when he heard Qin Yihan's words, as if he was protesting something?When Qin Yihan saw this, his eyes became more gentle, and this girl was also restless when she was sick.

It's just that when he saw An Xin's sleeping face, he had to admit that for a moment he wished that An Xin would sleep like this forever, so that he would never worry about her for the rest of his life.

"I really hope you will be like this all your life, but when I think of me in the future, when I may not be able to see that angry and radiant appearance, my heart hurts, so be careful girl, you'd better wake up," said Then he wiped the man on An Xin's forehead, at this moment she was like a kitten.

And at this moment far away in the capital city, in a courtyard, in the pavilion at this moment, there are two men, one white and one purple. I saw the man wearing a long gown like snow, with jet-black flowing hair hanging down his shoulders.

Let him scatter on the stone bench, his fair skin was as clear as snow, and there was still a sickness between his brows, but the femininity of the past has long since disappeared. It is masculine charm.

Especially there, he had an indelible demeanor. If he saw it now with peace of mind, he had to admit that he hadn't seen him in just over half a year. The man in front of him was already as magnificent as he was.

He is not the Xueran who let himself play with little bullies in the past, but now he is Xueran, the son of the Xue family, and the man sitting opposite him is naturally the evil and charming Junhua.

Junhua, whom I haven't seen for a long time, is still wearing a purple shirt, still as gorgeous as ever, but the only difference is that today's Junhua has more ruthlessness between his brows, and less of the lazy charm of the past up.

"What's cousin thinking?" Xue Ran looked at Jun Hua and said, and then he placed a piece on the chessboard, and when Jun Hua heard Xue Ran's words, he also made a move and then shook Shake your head.

"It's okay, I'm just thinking, the court officials are really getting more and more daring nowadays, it's really surprising me that they choose to hide even such a big matter, that's all," Jun Hua said lightly. Smiling, his face had that evil and charming smile as always, but there was a sneer and indifference.

And at this moment, the capital is also thanks to everyone's contribution, so people are already in panic at this moment. After all, the streets and alleys of the county are full of troubles at this moment about the plague in the county, but no one knows who is spreading the news?
(End of this chapter)

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