Chapter 1199
After An Xin drank the water, she raised her head and looked at Qin Yihan. She was nostalgic for the warm relationship, but she hoped to see the ghost doctor first. After all, she also wanted to listen to the ghost doctor at this moment.

Hearing how she has progressed in her own drug testing this time, Qin Yihan's expression turned cold when he heard An Xin's words, and when he looked into An Xin's eyes, he thought of peace in an instant.

"Drink water first," Qin Yihan ignored An Xin's words, but directly handed someone to him, but his expression lost the warmth from the beginning. When An Xin saw this, he was slightly taken aback, facing Qin Yihan's sudden change , which made her unable to accept it for a while.

"Han, you are angry!" It was not a question but an affirmation. He had never looked at himself with such a cold gaze, and this was the first time, the first time he had looked at himself with such indifference into a stranger's gaze.It was only at this time that An Xin could see clearly that Qin Yihan's handsome face was already covered with scum, and there were thick dark circles around his eyes. That handsome and cold appearance.

Seeing the emaciated and haggard look he made for herself, An Xin felt a pain in her heart, "Han, don't be angry, okay?"

As he spoke, he hugged Qin Yihan's waist and acted like a spoiled child in Qin Yihan's arms. When Qin Yihan saw An Xin's petite appearance acting like a spoiled child, he immediately shook his head with a light smile, "You, I won't be angry with you anymore,"

That's right, he will never be angry with her, it's not that he is not angry but that he can't get angry. Even if he is angry, she will involuntarily feel sorry for him in the next second. This girl is really his nemesis.

"Han, have you been with me for a long time?" Although An Xin didn't know how long Qin Yihan had been by her side?But she could still vaguely guess from Qin Yihan's haggard look that it must be some time.

And when Qin Yihan heard An Xin's words, he smiled and said, "It didn't take long, but some people are too naughty, and they sleep for two days."

Qin Yihan's words were neither painful nor itchy, but An Xin felt surprised, and was deeply moved in her heart. When she thought of this fool guarding her for two days, her eyes became a little sour unconsciously.

I didn't expect that I would sleep for two days, maybe it was because of my illness, at this moment, this An Xin was extremely fragile, and the eyes were slowly turning red because of Qin Yihan guarding me for two days, as if I was about to cry in the next second Come out average.

In fact, when he was injured last time, Qin Yihan also guarded her for many days, but he didn't know why?She just felt that this time she was particularly moved, and it was because of her illness.

"You girl, when you know you love me, you will love yourself well next time," Qin Yihan scratched An Xin's nose and said, his face was as if he wanted to scare An Xin.

"He's not a child..." An Xin opened Qin Yihan's hand with her mouth pouted, then looked at Qin Yihan and said, "Han, you smell so bad."

As he spoke, he intentionally sniffed Qin Yihan's clothes, and then said with a look of disgust, when Qin Yihan saw An Xin's appearance, he pinched An Xin's face, and said viciously, "Stinky girl, how dare you despise me, look I won't clean you up,"

Talking and playing with An Xin, it is the first time they get along like this, all An Xin is too childish, so that he will never be able to distinguish An Xin's age, but at this moment An Xin has a childish, very childish look I love to mess with myself.

Of course, the only fly in the ointment at this moment is that An Xin's pale face, that haggard expression made him feel distressed, but because he didn't want to make An Xin feel wrong, Qin Yihan didn't show it at this moment, because he knew that An Xin was too sensitive.

(End of this chapter)

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