pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 125 Humiliation and Counterattack

Chapter 125 Humiliation and Counterattack (1)
Faced with An Xin's stubborn An Tietian, there was nothing he could do, so he looked for Ning Bo again the next day, and when Ning Bo heard about it, his teeth itched with anger.

Angry at An Xin's ignorance of good and bad, you said that as long as you obediently write the menu, everyone can live in peace, so why bother to carry it to the end.

But Ning Bo never followed An Tietian to see An Xin, but thought about going back and asking Aunt Qiao what she was planning to say?
And after An Tietian and Ning Bo made up their minds, Ning Bo and An Tietian left Xiangmanlou, but at this moment they didn't know that what they just said fell into Li Fugui's ears.

"Oh, that is to say, that woman hasn't written the menu yet, but she's really smart." In the dim room, sunlight shone in slightly, and soon a man in Tsing Yi stood in front of the window.

When the faint and soft sunlight shone on him, it formed a beautiful picture scroll, the gentleman is as picturesque and indifferent as a lotus, which probably means him.

The handsome man in Tsing Yi looked at An Tietian and Ning Bo who disappeared through the window, opened his mouth and said, "But although that woman is smart, she is also a bit stupid. Doesn't she know that as long as she sees the mastermind behind the scenes, she probably won't survive at all?" It's an opportunity, after all, there are many things in killing people, it seems that it can only be said that this woman is too superficial."

Said that there was a slight smile in those eyes, but there was a bit of coldness in that smile, cold and indifferent as if he didn't care about everything, and there was a smile that looked like a smile but not a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Then what should we do next, young master?" Li Fugui looked at the handsome man in Tsing Yi and said, but shook his head in his heart, their young master just loves to play.

"Let's see how long that woman can last. I'm talking, I also want to see if Junhua has the ability to find her," the handsome man in Tsing Yi waved his hand, and there was a gloating smile on his face .

He had promised to give Junhua three days, and now only one day has passed, how could he break his promise, after all, he also wanted to see how long any woman could last?
"By the way, next time they come, you don't have to follow them anymore. After all, if it spreads out to let others know, it's not a good impression that we Xiangmanlou eavesdropped on the conversation of the guests. In addition, you find someone to go to the cell Take a look and see what kind of woman is, don't let her die, "

Hearing what the handsome man in Tsing Yi said, Li Fugui nodded, and then gently closed the door, and when he went out, he arranged for people to go to the cell to find out the news.

At this moment, the Yuyue Building is filled with a low air pressure. Ever since An Xin disappeared, Yuyue Building has no intention of doing business anymore. After all, the impact of An Xin's disappearance on them at this moment is not at 01:30.

After all, if An Xin can't come back in the future, then wouldn't they suddenly return to the pre-liberation, and return to their original appearance, without new dishes in the future?

In addition, because of An Xin's arrival, the servants of Yuyue Tower have also received a lot of benefits, so An Xin promised to give them certain rewards every month.

That is to say, the more money Yuyuelou earns, the more benefits they will get. Now that the peace of mind is gone, they don't know whether their benefits will be honored.

In addition, because of An Xin, the meals of these servants are getting better and better. Usually, some good leftovers are taken by the shopkeeper, but now they are all left to them.

Because the shopkeeper has been upgraded, there is no need to eat those meals every day, and there is a specific lunch every day, and they are no exception.

(End of this chapter)

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