Chapter 1305

The next day, An Xin and Qi Ye entered the palace. After the carriage arrived at the gate of the palace, the two of them got out of the carriage. When they looked up, the red walls, green tiles, and resplendent and resplendent red walls made people's hearts flutter. jumping.

It is undeniable that this palace is very majestic. At first he thought that Qi Ye's mansion was very good, but when he saw the palace in front of him, An Xin realized, no wonder everyone wanted to squeeze their heads into it.

It is true that everything in front of me at this moment has that ability, that temptation that makes everyone flock to it, that superior power, that despises the coercion of all beings, no matter who it is, it is difficult for anyone to refuse its temptation.

At that moment, what I was looking at was not just a palace, but also the representative of the imperial power, the oncoming oppression, the innate majesty, the symbol of the king, but my colleagues were also the verification of the blood, and I was successful in one day. cold.

At this moment, when An Xin walked in the palace, he didn't feel the comfort of going to the Forbidden City in the past, and at this moment, the palace was no longer the down-and-out Forbidden City, but a real symbol of royal power. One air pressure.

Along the way, the blue and white porcelain floor, the marble stone steps, and all kinds of flowers and plants were gorgeous as if entering a dreamland. Looking at the scenery along the way, An Xin didn't think it was beautiful, but felt a bit of coolness.

Who knows how much blood has been left in the back of this flowery palace in front of him, who knows that he is not stepping on someone else's bones, who knows where the wailing in the middle of the night will come from.

Along the way, Lord Qi told An Xin a lot of rules in the palace, and also let An Xin know a lot of places to avoid. There are many nobles in the palace, and every time he walks, he may offend the nobles, so at this moment, Lord Qi told An Xin Go out as little as possible.

Faced with Qiye's words, she nodded with peace of mind. She didn't plan to visit the palace either. A ghostly place to vomit bones.

An Xin followed this Seventh Master along the way, and she only took a look at the surrounding scenery before taking it back. After all, when she thought of this beautiful palace, there were many bones and bones, An Xin also lost that appreciation. .

When Qi Ye on the side saw An Xin's performance, he said calmly, "Miss An, what do you think of this palace?"

If an ordinary person enters the imperial palace, he will not be very interested, and his eyes will not be full of heat, even the Jasper Fairy is about the same, although he tried his best to burst into the heat in his eyes, but when he saw the resplendent palace, there was a touch of beauty. Mu Lai.

It's just that the girl in front of me is different. There is no envy in her eyes, but only an indescribable sadness. When she looked at the nobles around her, did she sigh? Such a weird behavior made Qi Ye a little curious .

After all, although the gaze in An Xin's eyes passed by for a moment, it was still captured by the observant Qi Ye, but why did he show that half-sympathetic and sighing gaze?
After all, he doesn't think that the women in the palace are worthy of sympathy. Here they enjoy inexhaustible wealth and power, and the most authoritative man in the world is their man. How can such a thing be pitiful? words.

"The heroes of the dynasty are all cold." Regardless of whether it is a man or a woman, which one here is not stained with blood, every person who sits on the throne has accumulated blood for many days behind him, and how much is every favored concubine willing to pay back when he is queen? Only women can climb up to the position of favorite concubine.

(End of this chapter)

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