Chapter 1309

After An Xin cooked the medicinal food, she put the medicinal food in a bowl, and then gave it to Concubine Yan Gui, An Xin would not let anyone touch anything she handled.

Soon An Xin walked into the back room with the medicinal food. At this moment, Concubine Yan Gui was leaning weakly on the bed, with a gloomy expression without any emotion.

"The imperial concubine eats first," said Concubine Yan and gave the medicinal meal to Concubine Yan. When Concubine Yan saw this, she looked at the medicinal meal and did not speak, but asked the maid to serve it to herself.

After eating the medicinal food, Bar wiped his lips, looked at An Xin who was not far away, and said, "As soon as other people come, let me take medicine, you are good, delicious and delicious food, every day, there is nothing. Prescribe medicine for this palace, "

To be honest, at the beginning she drank the medicine and vomited, but after An Xin came, she didn't prescribe medicine for herself, but let herself eat the medicinal diet, and the medicinal diet came in a different way every time.

When An Xin heard Concubine Yan's words, she nodded respectfully and said, "Your concubine's illness, as long as it is weak, and you are weak, women of the people dare not prescribe medicine for you, as long as you are sick at this moment Condition your body well, and then proceed to the next step of recuperation, "

At this moment, Concubine Yan Gui is very weak, detoxification by herself may hurt Concubine Yan's body, if the worst is even during detoxification, she will lose her life, the main purpose of peace of mind at this moment is to let Concubine Yan Gui recuperate her body first.

Only in this way can she accept her next step of treatment. Concubine Yan Gui nodded after hearing An Xin's words, "I don't understand your words. I am here today. The medicinal food you made really whetted my appetite. , your body is not as weak as before, but this palace made you look down upon, "

He pursed his lips and smiled and said, he has a good impression of An Xin at the moment. This child has a lot more responsibility than the previous women, and it is also true to see a doctor for herself. Thinking of this, Concubine Yan Gui's attitude towards An Xin is also Slightly better than usual.

But at this moment, An Xin chuckled and nodded, "Your illness, Yan Guifei, as long as your body is hollowed out, we are not in a hurry to take our time, first make up this body, and then administer the medicine, and all the medicines that follow, I also hope that Concubine Yan Gui will give permission to let Minnv take full responsibility, as Minnv does not want anyone to intervene."

Concubine Yan's illness can be taken care of on her own, she doesn't want troubles to arise, she didn't mention it at the beginning, it was because she was new here, and now that Concubine Yan's body has improved, An Xin should take the next step slowly.

If knowledge wants to proceed to the next step, An Xin doesn't want anyone to disturb her, especially Concubine Yan Gui's body at the moment can't stand the stimulation of other medicines. At this moment, every time she eats herbal medicine, it is mainly gentle, detoxification is supplemented by conditioning. host.

And when Concubine Yan Guifei heard An Xin's words, she looked at An Xin, and when she saw that An Xin's eyes were clear and there was no twinkle in her pupils, Concubine Yan Guifei paused for a while, "Well, I agree."

For Concubine Yan Gui, An Xin is very careful. After all, if something goes wrong with her body at this moment, An Xin will be the first to suffer. At this moment, she has personally done everything for Concubine Yan Gui, and she can see that this girl is very guarded.

Especially for the maids and eunuchs in their palace, no one is allowed to touch her medicinal diet. Every time I make the medicinal diet for myself, I do it myself. Yan Guifei eats.

For An Xin's carefulness, Concubine Yan Gui is very useful. After all, An Xin's cautiousness at this moment, the ultimate beneficiary is herself. Although she believes in the people in her palace at this moment, it is only because of the people's hearts, except for a few court ladies and eunuchs who are close to her. Concubine Yan Gui was somewhat on guard.

(End of this chapter)

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