pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1319 Chapter 1 Money

Chapter 1319 The Hundredth Coin (7)
It's just that more people shook their heads. Concubine Yan Gui didn't know, but at this moment he knew very well that the woman in front of him already had her own heart, and he had seen that man before. , I'm afraid it will ruin my own affairs even more.

Although Concubine Yan Gui's words are very reasonable, but Qi Ye has his own considerations, Concubine Yan Gui's thoughts are good, but after all, it's a woman's opinion. Although An Xin is famous in front of him, but at this moment he knows very clearly, How could this woman do what her mother and concubine wanted.

"Qi Ye was joking, it's natural for a girl to do this ceremony," An Xin shook her head with a chuckle and said, that pretty appearance, watery eyes flickering with a touch of cunning, this has to make Qi Ye think of himself that day things in distress.

Thinking of what happened at that time, Master Qi couldn't help being funny. He was a baby of how old, but he just lied to himself, but it was precisely because of this that Master Qi changed everything after that time. Ideas, people, sometimes you can't fight without fighting.

Born in the emperor's family, he already had a lot of involuntary feelings, "My concubine's illness, I know about it, so you should spend a little more time thinking about it," the seventh master said at this moment, with a hint of reassurance in his expression, but he couldn't help it. Worry.

"I heard that the emperor gave you a lot of gifts today. It seems that you are the noble person, Miss An." When Qi Ye heard the reward from his father, he sighed in his heart. The matter of the plague is more concerned than I imagined.

"Qi Ye was joking, how dare women in this palace call themselves nobles? It's just that the imperial concubine thinks highly of women," An Xin shook her head at Qi Ye's words, and a dark light flashed in her eyes. It's not that easy to do what the master said, but An Xin doesn't agree with the nobleman.

"My concubine's illness will trouble you." Seeing An Xin's increasingly cautious temper, Qi Ye couldn't help but sigh, Qi Ye had to say, this woman is very good at judging the situation, after entering the palace, Compared with Biyu, this woman in front of her is almost like an ordinary person.

Every moment seems to make people forget the general existence, but at this moment, Qi Ye has to say, this An Xin is very smart, sometimes it is too conspicuous, but it will be a kind of disaster, this Jasper is too conspicuous, that's why There are many troubles.

But at this moment when An Xin heard it, she nodded and said, "Qi Ye found out that the daughter of the people will definitely do her best and never let Concubine Yan Gui have the slightest mistake."

Knowing that Qi Ye was probably concerned about Concubine Yan Gui's condition, so An Xin said, when Qi Ye heard An Xin's words, he also realized a lot in his heart, after all, he knew that An Xin had some tricks, so naturally he would not let outsiders take advantage of his loopholes.

"My lord believes that you can do it," and at this moment, instead of saying that Qi Ye trusts Anxin, it is better to say that Qi Ye trusts himself, trusts that his eyes can not be wrong, and trusts that all of this has already been determined by himself. middle.

"By the way, the ninth brother wants to see you, so I'll take you there right now," the seventh master looked at An Xin and said, entering the palace today is not only because of Concubine Yan Gui, but more because of the ninth prince, who is of a good age Xiao, at this moment he has not left the palace to set up a mansion.

In addition, at this moment, the Emperor Xia is pampered, and he is at ease in the palace at the moment. As for Xiao Yu'er who came back with the Ninth Prince, she is also named the princess at this moment, and lives in the same palace with the Ninth Prince.

When An Xin heard the words of the Seventh Master, she was a little surprised, "The Ninth Prince is looking for me?" At first, An Xin knew that the Ninth Prince wanted to see her, but she didn't expect it to be today.

(End of this chapter)

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