Chapter 1321

"Young master is a money fanatic as always," the Ninth Prince looked at An Xin and said, his voice was a little brisk, as if casual but serious, "Although I don't have any confidante, you can give me a few boxes to try, if it's good I'm buying it with this prince, I don't know what the young master thinks?" Is this a blatant robbery?

Regarding the words of the Ninth Prince, An Xin smiled and said, "Of course in a few days, after I leave the palace, I will bring rouge and gouache to the Ninth Prince, but at the moment the little girl is penniless, let alone rouge and gouache, even clothes It was prepared by others, so I can't give those gifts to the Ninth Prince at this moment, "

Regarding the behavior of Prince Zhejiu, An Xin said that he was really going to grab it, how many boxes should I give him?This person said it lightly, if he gave this rouge and gouache to the Ninth Prince, the rouge and gouache would naturally be better.

And at this moment, Hao An Xin expressed reluctance, after all, those are all money, and at this moment, it is unavoidable to be reluctant to give away so freely, of course it's not that he won't give it away, it's just that the gift must be valuable.

When the Ninth Prince saw An Xin's stingy appearance, he also shook his head with a chuckle and said, "Come with me to see Xiao Yu'er," he said and got up, patted the clothes, and when An Xin saw this, He also followed Qi Ye into the room.

After entering the room, An Xin didn't see that little Yu'er, let alone a little Yu'er at the moment, there wasn't even a maid in the palace, when An Xin saw this, she was slightly taken aback, and looked at the Ninth Prince curiously.

When the Ninth Prince saw this, he asked An Xin to sit down first, "I came here today to let you show me that something is wrong with my body in the past few days. In the past, when I practiced martial arts, I didn't feel it so quickly. I'm tired, it's just that when I practice martial arts every day, I feel a little tired and flustered after half an hour, I suspect that my body has been tampered with, "

For the sudden words of the Ninth Prince, An Xin was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at the Ninth Prince with blinking eyes, suddenly feeling a little baffled, "Ninth Prince, shouldn't you seek an imperial doctor?"

An Xin doesn't want to involve too much in the affairs of the palace. When she is involved with Qi Ye, An Xin already feels a little tired, and the only thing she wants at this moment is to detoxify early and slip away early. Not being involved in other things.

At this moment, the Ninth Prince looked at An Xin as soon as he heard An Xin's words, his eyes were so dark that An Xin couldn't see any emotion, An Xin had to admit at this moment that the boy in front of him had grown up, and those eyes were getting bigger and bigger. Has a deterrent effect.

"Shouldn't you be responsible? You instigated me to enter the palace. At this moment, I was poisoned by others. You want to be alone. Let me tell you, young master, you'd better see a doctor for me, or I will tell my father, Said that you were sent by Concubine Yan Gui to harm me," at this moment the Ninth Prince said terrible words with that kind smile.

In addition to that rogue look, it is unexpectedly familiar, just like when we first met, the boy also had the same rogue look, that life was like seeing him for the first time, but now when we meet again, there is a kind of thing is a person Not feeling.

At this moment, An Xin said that she was like a sip of water stuck in her throat at this moment, and she couldn't vomit. When she looked at the Ninth Prince, she pointed at the Ninth Prince with her eyes, and she couldn't believe it, "Why? You don't believe it? This prince will tell you today, if you are not obedient, this prince will swallow the poison right now, and let you come and get the stolen goods alone, and then I will see how you still quibble?"

At this moment, the Ninth Prince smiled sinisterly, and An Xin felt a little cold when he smiled. An Xin looked at the Ninth Prince, with the urge to grit his teeth, "I have seen it, what is a white-eyed wolf, my mother will support you for a while, I didn't expect to be bitten by you, you are good, you are the first person who made my old lady feel bad, and wanted my old lady to kill you immediately regardless of everything, "

(End of this chapter)

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