Chapter 1328

Maybe it's my fault, I shouldn't bring him back, maybe I should have found a place to put him in the beginning, but I was too naive at the beginning, who can he blame at this moment?Who can blame?

Because he is also responsible for all of this. It is he who has never been optimistic about Xiao Yuer, and he is the one who let outsiders take advantage of it. At this moment, Xiao Yuer is partial to Na Yafei, so what can he do? Maybe it was wrong to let her come back from the beginning, but at this moment After entering the palace, if he didn't take a good look at her, he made a mistake every step of the way.

Thinking about the Ninth Prince's complexion becoming more and more unpredictable at this moment, the strength in that hand is becoming more and more obvious, and the pinched bottle has broken traces, and the sound of cracking and cracking makes An Xin slightly stunned, He reacted quickly.

"Don't crush it, or I'll have to look for your poisonous medicinal ingredients elsewhere," An Xin couldn't help but said when seeing the Ninth Prince's face distorted. After all, the medicinal ingredients were in his own space. Herbs are worth thousands of gold. If they are crushed, she will definitely not care about them.

When the Ninth Prince heard An Xin's words, he glanced at the medicine bottle in his hand for a moment, and put it in his arms, "Well, thank you young master, I wonder if young master would like to drink a cup of tea before leaving?"

"Forget it, I have to go back, lest Concubine Yan Gui will be suspicious. By the way, Ninth Prince, you don't teach children many things like this, because many children will fight against you. If it backfires, why not teach it in one way," Xiao Yuer doesn't know what to think?It's just that at this moment, she vaguely remembers the girl who would throw herself on her brother.

When I was about to kill the Ninth Prince that day, the girl's steadfastness made An Xin think that Xiao Yu'er could not turn her head back. At this moment, she was just deceived. After all, when Xiao Yu'er betrayed the Ninth Prince, I'm afraid The blackness in my heart will become more and more intense.

"Thank you, young master, for your reminder, but this prince doesn't want to. If she foolishly sends her to someone else to take advantage of, this prince doesn't have the heart to take care of her. I've already done my best to her, and she just sent her to a dead end. Even my prince can't stop her," the Ninth Prince's words were a bit ruthless.

It's just that An Xin saw the deep pain in those eyes. After all, it was the sister who had been in pain for many years, how could she give up completely because of some misunderstandings, but there is no need to persuade An Xin at this moment.

Instead, he walked out of the Ninth Prince's palace and walked towards Concubine Yan Guifei's residence. After all, this is a matter for other brothers and sisters at this moment. It is good for her to mention it. If she asks too much, it will make the other party disgusted.

When An Xin returned to her room, she was pregnant with clothes, went to bed and began to sleep, had no dreams all night, and when the next day came, An Xin continued to recuperate Yan Guifei's body as usual.

And during this period, An Xin discovered one thing, this Jasper was extraordinarily attentive when Qi Ye appeared, every day she put on makeup and dressed up more and more gorgeously, An Xin saw this in her eyes In, but ignored in the heart.

No matter what this jasper is going to do?An Xin didn't intend to know at all, after all, her only purpose at this moment was to treat her concubine Yan Guifei's illness, as long as the illness was cured, she would return home and open her own shop after her success.

Five days passed in a blink of an eye. On the fifth day, An Xin planned to detoxify Concubine Yan. During these five days, An Xin also prepared the antidote. On which day An Xin prepared to detoxify Concubine Yan? , Qi Ye and Xia Huang both came to Yan Guifei's residence.

And during this day, An Xin let Concubine Yan Gui lie on the bed, first let Concubine Yan Gui drink the medicine, and then the whole person fell into a drowsy sleep. There is also the aroma of wine in the incense.

(End of this chapter)

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