Chapter 1330

"Shut up, this is a Gu worm, don't make a fuss here," An Xin saw the driving Gu worm, and went down with a penny, sealing the chest and lower body of Concubine Yan Gui, and at this moment, the driving Gu worm was desperately wandering.

The next second when An Xin saw this, she quickly sealed the path of the Gu worm with a silver needle, and blocked it on the shoulder. The driving place stabbed down, and quickly said, "Bring the strong drink,"

It's just that Mei Lan was already terrified at this moment. When she saw the knife stabbing hard, she covered her mouth in the next second, and she was about to cry out. At this moment, An Xin's cheek was also stained. color.

That appearance looked extraordinarily pervasive, and at this moment, Concubine Yan's face was blue and red, which was extremely ugly. The painful pain made Concubine Yan's face distorted even more, which was very scary. But at this moment, Mei Lan should not be scared. At this moment, let alone taking the wine, she froze a bit.

Fortunately, when Emperor Xia who was at the side saw this, he held up the bowl of spirits and handed it to An Xin. , dug out the Gu worm.

After digging it out, it basically aborted dark red blood. Seeing this, An Xin hurriedly caught the Gu worm, then lit a fire on the wine bowl, basically the flowing blood gradually when it turns red.

"Bandage Concubine Yan Gui's wound." After doing this series of things, An Xin's face turned pale. When Mei Lan saw this, she nodded quickly and bandaged the wound on Concubine Yan Gui's wrist.

Then he put on clothes for Concubine Yan Gui, and at this moment, Qi Ye's face was very pale. Seeing this with peace of mind, he picked up the medicine on the table and handed it to Qi Ye, "Drink him, so that one will not be healed. , something happened to the other one, "

When the seventh master heard the words, he drank An Xin's decoction, and at this moment, An Xin and the seventh master Xiahuang left the inner hall, and at this time, the maids in Yan Guifei's palace also came in to replace Yan Guifei. Packed up.

"An Xin, should you explain it?" At the beginning of detoxification, An Xin didn't tell herself that she wanted to detoxify herself, nor did she tell herself that she needed bloodletting. All of this was the woman's own initiative. .

When An Xin saw this, she looked at Qi Ye and said, "The poison in Concubine Yan Gui is not an ordinary poison, but a kind of Gu poison, and this Gu poison is very domineering at the moment, once you want to get rid of this poison, whether it is The perpetrators, or those who are poisoned, are in certain dangers, "

At this moment, this peace of mind is like a truthful confession. When Emperor Xia heard it, he frowned, "That's why you let the emperor do it. You can just let me find a master of internal strength."

For An Xin to let the Seventh Prince take risks, the Emperor Xia was a little displeased, after all, his wife was better than this son, when An Xin saw this, he knelt on the ground respectfully and looked at the Seventh Lord and Emperor Xia.

"Your Majesty, you may ask, did the Seventh Prince have any abnormalities in his body when he forced the poison just now?" At this moment, An Xin looked at Qi Ye and said, when Qi Ye heard the words, he couldn't help it immediately. He looked at his hands.

There was also a strange expression on his face, "Indeed, it seemed that something was about to penetrate into my body just now, and the palm of my hand hurt so badly."

At this moment, Qi Ye opened his mouth and said, when Emperor Xia heard Qi Ye's words, he looked at Qi Ye and looked at An Xin, "What do you want to say?"

"Returning to the emperor and the daughter of the people just want to say, this person, once he encounters danger, he will seek good fortune and avoid evil. If the seventh prince couldn't help but let go just now because of fear, then Concubine Yan Gui will undoubtedly die. After all, there is no one who is not afraid of death at this moment. The reason why the daughters of the people are looking for Qiye is because the son of Qiye Yan Guifei is naturally impossible to abandon his mother and concubine. It's just that if he finds someone else at this moment, who doesn't know what's going on there In a crisis, I feel something strange in my hands, I wonder what you will do, Your Majesty?" At this moment, Anxin said.

(End of this chapter)

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