Chapter 1338

At this moment, Biyu's tone was very excited, seeing the person who didn't know her appearance, she thought how disappointed she was with An Xin, when the people around heard all this, their eyes became weird.

When she looked at An Xin, she also had a bit of contempt and a bit of sympathy, but at this moment, when An Xin faced Bi Yu's words, she smiled and said, "Bi Mei is serious, where is the girl as a thief? This gold hairpin belongs to the girl , why do you say it was stolen by a civilian girl?"

At this moment, An Xin's smile was a bit cold, and when she looked at Biyu, her eyes became even colder, and when Biyu saw this, she immediately became furious, she hated An Xin, and hated that look at the joke at the moment.

Why?At this moment, she is clearly at a disadvantage, so why does that gaze annoy her as always, why does she seem to be the one who is wrong at this moment, and that high-ranking appearance makes Biyu feel fiercely disgusted. At that moment, in An Xin's eyes, she seemed to be A joke in general.

"Presumptuous, this is obviously a thing in my palace, you still dare to argue at this moment, come and give me a slap, I want to see, what else can this lowly servant girl say?" Biyu folded her hands Putting down the table, she said angrily, and Concubine Yan Gui frowned when she saw this.

"Bi beauty, have you seen this palace and put it in your eyes? This is my territory, and it's not your turn to play wild." Concubine Yan Gui hated this Biyu's passing, not to mention her own people who are at ease at the moment, even her Concubine Yan Gui does not like things that exceed her authority.

This woman is in her own territory, so this woman dares to be so arrogant. When she is a dead person, when Biyu on the side heard what Yan Guifei said, she quickly knelt on the ground, teary-eyed and said, "The concubine dare not, the concubine It's just chilling. This is the only thing the emperor gave this concubine. The concubine couldn't even bear it. I didn't expect this nobleman to steal it. I treated her like a sister to the concubine. I didn't expect her to treat the concubine like this. Sister, you have to be the master of the concubine, although Mrs. An is your benefactor, sister of the noble concubine, but the emperor broke the law and committed the same crime as the common people. At this moment, Mrs. An is still the same. According to the palace rules, anyone who steals should be beaten to death with a stick."

At this moment, Biyu looked bitter and bitter, saying that even An Xin had to admire her, but at this moment when Concubine Yan heard it, her face turned dark, this damned bitch, clearly meant to say I prefer to help feel at ease.

In addition to the drama of bitterness, if Concubine Yan Gui didn't help at this moment, I'm afraid there would be rumors in the palace that she was perverting the law for personal gain.

It's just that Concubine Yan Gui also has a lot of concerns at the moment. She has recovered from a long illness, and the queen can see that she is nervous. If she keeps getting involved, the queen will probably catch her. But if she doesn't help at this moment , I am afraid it will also be a charge of ingratitude.

And at this moment, an old nanny walked in outside the gate. When Concubine Yan Guifei saw the old nanny, she was obviously displeased, because at this moment, the old nanny was actually the person next to the queen.

"Your concubine, my mother said, let you handle this matter impartially, don't bend the law for personal gain," and at this moment, the old mother said to Concubine Yan, without any respect, and even saluted casually .

It's just that at this moment Concubine Yan Gui couldn't do anything about her. After all, even Xia Huang respected her a little bit because of who made this Nanny Li the Queen's nanny, and the reason for this was that this Li Nanny was in Xia Huang's childhood. Been with her for a while.

At this moment, she was already gray-haired, but she still stayed in the palace to advise the queen, and at this moment, the Emperor Xia and the queen were childhood sweethearts, and their relationship was naturally much deeper than other people. Concubine Yan Gui knew very well that it would not happen overnight if she wanted to get the queen.

(End of this chapter)

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