Chapter 1348

The next day An Xin watched the stars, and slowly fell asleep. After seeing An Xin fell asleep, the sky was already bright. Qin Yihan looked at An Xin, picked him up, and carried him back to An Xin's room. Inside.

When Qin Yihan put An Xin on the bedside, he covered An Xin with a quilt, looked at that delicate cheek, and kissed An Xin's white forehead, "Be careful, girl, wait for me to come back,"

An Xin was slightly taken aback by the word "careful girl". An address she hadn't heard for a long time made An Xin's eyes rosy. Seeing the leaving back, An Xin also got up in the next second.

It's just that An Xin didn't follow him at this moment, but quietly watched him go away. Most of the time, you don't need to say too much, you just need to bless you slowly behind your back. Smiled, unexpectedly Qin Yihan became more and more courageous.

There was a faint smile on that face, and the crescent moon's crooked eyes looked extraordinarily charming. There was an indescribable charm on that happy cheek, and she must get it back next time.

One day when Qin Yihan was leaving with the army, An Xin was watching from afar. Seeing Qin Yihan leaving, An Xin was also seeing him from afar, feeling sore and uncomfortable for some reason.

Qin Yihan left, and An Xin felt empty in her heart, as if something was missing. Fortunately, the days became more and more busy, because people from the government came to ask An Xin when she would move into the princess mansion.

And when An Xin heard what the official said, she told the other party that she would start moving the next day. This Xia Huang said that she was really kind to herself, and that other people moved by herself, but at this moment she had the ability to make the house move. Emperor Xia asked someone to move for him.

Such kindness, An Xin said that she knew that she felt a sense of unhappiness, and at this moment, on the second day, people also came from the mansion, and moved An Xin and placed her in the princess mansion.

When An Xin moved into the princess mansion, many high-ranking officials and nobles in the city came to congratulate An Xin, and An Xin smiled in response to the congratulations around her.

An Xin is well aware of her identity as the princess. Although she is called the princess, she has no real power. She comes to the door every day, and when An Xin officially settled in the princess mansion, she held a big banquet and invited many guest.

At the moment, she doesn't like to socialize very much, but it is helpful to the career that she can feel at ease at the moment. The people she invites are almost all business guests. As for Xue's family, she just calls it Xueer.

After all, she doesn't have much affection for the Xue family. The only person who has a good impression is this Xueran. This girl Junhua also came to congratulate herself. Facing the soft gift, Anxin expressed that the princess is good. There is money to be made.

"An Xin, you are a noble person now," Jun Hua walked up to An Xin and said in a low voice, "You shouldn't be the princess," as he spoke with a sly smile.

Because the day An Xin just came out of the palace, Jun Hua was busy with his own affairs, so he never came to see An Xin, and now that An Xin moved into the princess mansion, Jun Hua could give An Xin a big gift.

After receiving this big gift from Junhua, An Xin was very happy. It was a Beihai night pearl, and it was also a fine product. Of course, An Xin would not be pretentious with Junhua, saying that this gift should not be too expensive.

After all, those words said at this moment are not only hypocritical, but also have a tendency to show shame. After all, she and Junhua are business partners at this moment, and it is simply common for them to give gifts to each other.

And now An Xin won't tell you that she really likes Ye Mingzhu this time, like a light bulb, she won't be afraid of black faces when she goes out in the future, if Jun Hua hears An Xin's heartfelt voice, she will definitely want to strangle An Xin to death.

(End of this chapter)

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