pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 135 Humiliation and Counterattack

Chapter 135 Humiliation and Counterattack (11)
A change of heart, so what about fear?Does anyone feel bad?What can I do if I am afraid of crying?Will they let themselves go?Won't.

She knew very well that these two people would not let her go. From the conversation between the prison head and Ergou just now, she could already know that these people are very afraid of An Tietian at this moment, so how dare they let him go? Own?
If An Xin's heart was indifferent at the beginning, then her heart at this moment is ruthless and cruel. At this moment, she knows that the imperial power is in power, and one day she will let the imperial power not be able to do anything to her.

And today's oath will become a reality in the near future. At that time, she became the richest man in the country, and not only that, she also became a guest of honor from all countries, because she controlled something that made every country jealous.

Soon Ergou brought the quilt to An Xin, but when An Xin saw the quilt, it was useless, but just lay there, silently in a daze.

And after a long time, she had a high fever and a very serious high fever, her dry mouth made her dizzy, and when An Xin saw this, there was a sneer in her eyes.

Soon Bi stumbled to the cell door and called out in a weak voice, "Come on, I'm dizzy, come on..."

An ethereal voice soon resounded in the cell, and when the prisoners around heard An Xin's voice, they all looked at An Xin.

Because of An Tietian's order, An Xin was locked up by the prison head at a place far away from the prisoners.

So every time An Tietian and An Xin talked, they couldn't hear half a sentence, and now when they saw An Xin's face turned red, they couldn't help but worried, "Girl, what are you doing?"

After all, none of the prisoners in this prison at this moment have made any serious mistakes, and most of them are sneaky prisoners, so when they saw An Xin's pitiful appearance at this moment, they felt a little bit worried and sympathetic.

After all, half of the people here are people who have suffered from An Tietian, so seeing An Xin being tortured by An Tietian in the past few days, there is no need to feel a sense of sympathy.

"Brother, I'm dizzy, please help me to scream, I'm very dizzy," An Xin said pitifully, looking at the prisoner at the other end, at the moment she didn't even have the strength to scream.

And when the prisoner heard it, he nodded quickly, "Wait, girl, I'll call you right away,"

Seeing An Xin's pitiful appearance, the prisoner's heart softened. After all, she also had such young siblings in her family. Now when she saw An Xin's appearance, she couldn't help but think of her own siblings.

"The head of the prison killed someone, the head of the prison killed someone," he shouted desperately, the voice was very clear in the cell.

At this moment, the head of the prison, who was in a daze, had an ugly face when he heard the prisoner's call, "Why are you roaring and screaming? Didn't you see that it's not dawn yet?"

But when he saw An Xin, when he saw An Xin's small face was flushed, and he looked like he was about to die, he quickly opened the cell, "You girl, what's going on?"

Seeing An Xin's appearance, the warden had a bad premonition in his heart, and when he touched An Xin's forehead, his face immediately turned blue.

"Why is it so hot? You girl is not feeling well, why don't you tell me, now it's better, it's burning up, if you find out later, will you die first, damn it, wait, I will let you go right away Ergou will find a doctor for you."

(End of this chapter)

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