Chapter 1356

Maybe they didn't like Xiao Yanran at first, but now they have become close sisters. In fact, there are no absolute enemies or absolute friends in this world, and this is the case for An Xin and Xiao Yanran at this moment.

When they were cousins, they were enemies, but now that they have changed their identities, they can stay and chat peacefully every time. Maybe this is what people say about the impermanence of the world.

And at this moment, no one knows more about An Youwei than herself. She knows what kind of person An Youwei is like better than anyone else?So at this moment, she will naturally not be blinded by the false mask of the other party, not to mention that she does not lack love, nor does she need those false loves.

"As a big sister, I feel relieved, but my second uncle will not let it go so easily, after all, the Jun family has given him a lot of benefits, how could he let go at this moment," Xiao Yanran pointed at An Xin He said, "What's more, Princess Xianghua has such a noble status. If he can become your father, his status will definitely rise in the future. You have to be careful, don't let others take advantage of the loopholes. After all, the relationship between you and his father and daughter is very important. It can't be erased no matter what, so you have to break it sometimes, don't let this kind of person entangle you, otherwise you won't be able to get rid of it in your life, "

At this moment, Xiao Yanran kindly reminded An Xin, and when An Xin heard it, she nodded, "Don't worry about this, Sister Xiao, I know what to do, whether he is my father or not is up to me. If you want to share wealth and wealth, you don’t even look at how many catties he owns.”

For An Youwei's shameless existence, An Xin said that he really didn't have much affection for him. When he came to her place a few days ago, he clearly knew that he was using his biological father's identity to suppress him.

And when I became the princess, I would flatter myself, thinking that I was a three-year-old child and easy to bully, but An Xin was very happy to accept Xiao Yanran's reminder, "By the way, sister Xiao is doing well recently."

Seeing the woman's ruddy complexion, but there was a hint of sadness in her eyes, An Xin couldn't help asking, "Is there something troublesome?"

At this moment, if there is something she can help with, An Xin is more than happy to help. After all, the woman in front of her is her partner. Of course, An Xin believes in Xiao Yanran at this moment, but that is because the two have the same goal. When the goals run in opposite directions, it is only a moment to turn against each other.

When Xiao Yanran heard the reassuring words, she nodded lightly, "I want a child," but it was not necessary, and Xiao Yanran never said the last sentence.

Facing Xiaoyanran's words about wanting a child, An Xin just drank water, and then vomited it out in the next second. Why do you want a child to find yourself?What's more, shouldn't she find a doctor and Jun Qingyan if she wants a child?

"Sister laughing, what do you mean? Shouldn't you go to Young Master Jun if you want a child?" It's useless for her to find herself as a woman, let alone why does this woman want a child to find herself?
"You're right. If you want a child, you should go to Master Jun. It's just that I have a child now, but I don't dare to have it." At this moment, Xiao Yanran opened her mouth and said, and then pulled An Xin's hand on her abdomen, with an expression A hint of sternness flashed past, "Get me medicine, I want to kill him, or,,,,"

She wanted a child, but she didn't dare to. Just now she said that she wanted a child, but soon she shook her head regretfully, after all, this child is really not desirable at this moment.

And when An Xin heard it, she looked at Xiao Yanran in surprise, and when Xiao Yanran saw An Xin's appearance, she smiled, her smile was a bit bleak and also sneered, "You should know my identity, the Jun family You won’t let me give birth to this child, it’s better for me to do it myself, even if my child wants to live or die, I have to decide by myself,”

(End of this chapter)

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