Chapter 1389

It's just that when I saw the lonely back, I don't know why I feel a little lonely. She has been with Junhua since she was a child, and she is very clear about the Jun's family and Junhua. When seeing this at this moment, Xiao Zi knows that he Should be sad.

After all, it is his father who is hating and hating, but at this moment the other party is merciless and directly wants Junhua's life. Faced with this, Junhua is very hurt after all.

After Xiao Zi walked out, Jun Hua looked at the bottle in his hand, and then at the sky outside, "Are you just like me, still holding fantasies?"

Do you have the same fantasies about that person as I do, do you have thoughts that you shouldn’t have about that same unfeeling father? At this moment, you should stop, stop your last thoughts, and you shouldn’t have any thoughts. Feelings that shouldn't be there, "What about you?"

At that moment, Junhua's voice was very soft, so soft that it seemed to be like a thin majesty and a thin rain. It was hard to hear, but it was very clear. Holding the medicine in his hand, he felt the cold temperature , but he unexpectedly felt a burst of warmth in his heart.

And at this moment, the person who delivered the medicine, An Xin, started another plan of her own after hearing Xiao Zi's words, and now the days passed day by day, and soon the Queen's birthday would come.

On this day, the Queen's birthday began, and the streets and alleys were full of noise, but at this moment when An Xin just walked out the gate, she saw this Seventh Master, and when she saw someone coming, An Xin was slightly taken aback.

"Princess Xianghua, don't come here unharmed. This king is here to pick up Princess Xianghua." At this moment, Qi Ye was standing at the gate with a handsome look, and the corners of An Xin's mouth twitched.

"Qiye, don't come here without any problems," someone blocked early in the morning, and at this moment, An Xin was naturally allowed to enter the palace because she was the princess, but at the beginning, An Xin was going to pretend to be The gift giver goes in.

And at this moment, when sending congratulatory gifts, someone will naturally accept them, but at this moment because she is the princess, she doesn't need to bother about entering the palace. It depends on others.

At the beginning, An Xin planned to use someone else's name to give it away, but when she came to the capital, when she met Jun Hua, and when she knew about the Emperor Shang, An Xin planned to use Jun Hua's name, and at this moment, Jun Hua naturally wanted to give it away. Rely on the Xue family to send it in.

In fact, when this gift was sent out, it had already gone through a lot of gossip, and I didn’t know how many brains were used, but now it’s done, because she is a princess, and she doesn’t want to use anyone’s name. gift giving.

Instead, you can give it away generously. In fact, it is so-called using someone else's name to give a gift. After all, you owe favors. At this moment, the county magistrate first introduced that person, and he went to see him with peace of mind, but he never looked for him.

After all, it is not crossing the river to demolish the bridge at this moment, and I have a better way, so I will not foolishly lead the bridge for others, not to mention that they don't have any agreement, just because the county magistrate informed him at the beginning Because of this, when An Xin didn't want to look for him at this moment, he went to greet him, so as not to be misunderstood by others.

Of course, when An Xin went to say hello, he also gave other people a lot of gifts. After all, they have done a lot of things. Some small compensation came.

After all, there is a good saying, there is no righteousness in business, and at this moment, when the seventh master saw An Xin, he opened the curtain and asked An Xin to get on the carriage, while he was riding a horse. After An Xin saw the opened curtain of the carriage, he went He hesitated for a while and finally went up.

(End of this chapter)

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