Chapter 1391

At this moment, the person who was following Zhao Qingyan was Ms. Zhao, and at this moment, Ms. Zhao was wearing a landscape skirt and gown, she looked graceful and luxurious, and she looked full of nobility. At this moment, An Xin looked over from a distance.

She had to admit that Miss Zhao was really better than An's, but she couldn't like it even though she was so at ease. After all, her mother was the main wife, but at this moment this woman had a daughter who was about the same size as her sister. What was that?
At this moment, An Xin couldn't help but wonder, what the hell is An Youwei doing?Or is the child in front of him not An Youwei at all?It's just that no matter what day, this An Youwei betrayed his mother after all.

As for this woman at this moment, An Xin said that hating is not counted, it would be hypocritical not to hate, after all, this woman is considered a mistress at this moment, but at this moment, when she has not figured out all the reasons, An Xin will not doubt anyone, she just Believe everything you see.

But at this moment, when An Youwei saw An Xin, he was slightly taken aback. When he looked at her in the princess's palace attire, she was a little taken aback. This daughter really looks less and less like the former her. .

Even if An Youwei is in his memory at this moment, he doesn't have many memories of this Erya, but when he sees An Xin at this moment, he still can't help but feel that the strength and changes of the years can make the little village girl who used to be so beautiful. The fragrant steamed bun that people like, and also has the status of princess.

Zhao Qingyan looked at An Xin who was not far away, there was a hint of darkness in her eyes, but she quickly supported her mother's hand, "Mom, let's go in, don't talk nonsense with idlers,"

At this moment, although Miss Zhao didn't know An Xin, she had heard of An Xin and knew that An Xin was her husband's daughter. Facing this, she was just as alienated as Zhao Qingyan.

Although I was half wrong about what happened back then, it's just that when she saw the half-grown daughter at this moment, Miss Zhao couldn't help but look at An Youwei, "I didn't expect you to have such a delicate girl." beautiful girl,

That sentence was resentful, and when An Youwei heard it, he sighed, "Juan'er, don't tease me, this is my daughter, no one recognizes me, you hurt me like this." broke my heart, how I treat you, you should know,"

One sentence made Ms. Zhao slightly taken aback. She saw that An Youwei had never been fussy. After all, this man abandoned his wife and son for her own sake. What else could she insist on? "I hate that child," just Anxin, but she hated it.

No woman would like another child of her husband, and this is the same for Ms. Zhao at the moment. When she saw An Xin, she immediately felt a sense of estrangement and panic, and really wanted the other party to disappear.

"What mother said is that she is afraid that this father will not agree, and maybe she deliberately let this lowly girl separate us mother and daughter," Zhao Qingyan who was on the side continued. Miss Zhao's face turned green.

Looking at An Youwei's gaze, he couldn't help feeling a little angry, "Are you serious, An Youwei, as Qingyan said, maybe that little bitch? Tell me?"

At this moment, Miss Zhao arrived, her voice was a bit harsh, the majesty made An Youwei slightly taken aback, her heart couldn't help trembling, but she quickly shook her head, "My wife, if I don't want to, I wouldn't have divorced my wife back then, madam, don't listen to this child, the person I hate the most is you and Qingyan who have been wronged, "

It's just that even though he said so, he couldn't help but look at the daughter. He found that the daughter was becoming more and more against him. In the past three days, Miss Zhao was angry with him. What is going on with this girl?
But at this moment, An Youwei had to wonder, could it be that he was born with a grudge against his daughter, otherwise it would be fine for An Xin to hate herself alone, why is the daughter whom he treats wholeheartedly at the moment, becoming more and more indifferent.

When faced with this, An Youwei didn't know what to do for a while?This daughter is too difficult to coax, but fortunately, the daughter-in-law is easy to coax. Sure enough, when Miss Zhao heard what An Youwei said, her complexion improved a little.

And at this moment, when Zhao Qingyan saw her mother, who was coaxed in a few words, she also sighed, whether her mother was too stupid or too naive, but at this moment, she looked at An Xin who was not far away. At that time, there was a shadow in those pupils.

"Then why did father go to this Princess Xianghua's mansion for so many days?" Her voice was moderate, and An Xin was just about to pass by them at this moment. When she saw this, Zhao Qingyan's eyes became even colder. How would you choose, father?

"I will tell you about this in the future, Qingyan, don't make trouble, we will go in and talk about it first." If it was only Zhao Qingyan, he would definitely say that she is also your sister, but Miss Zhao is here right now. After all, he had some scruples, so the words changed a little.

(End of this chapter)

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