Chapter 1393

And at this moment, when An Youwei saw this, he breathed a sigh of relief. Sometimes he was most afraid that his daughter would break the casserole and ask the end. To be honest at this moment, this daughter sometimes speaks sharply, which makes An Youwei a little scared .

And at this moment, when he met the cold gaze of the daughter, An Youwei didn't know what happened for a while, and he stopped talking under the cold gaze, but at this moment, Miss Zhao didn't realize that she Something is wrong with my daughter.

Instead, she still smiled and walked in holding the hands of her husband and daughter. After being a single mother for more than ten years, she finally became a family. Miss Zhao is naturally the happiest person. Stinging.

But at this moment, An Youwei's eyes are looking at An Xin who is not far away. The three of them have their own concerns. It is clear that the seemingly harmonious family at first glance has deep cracks at the moment. Miss Zhao, who is in the middle, is the happiest , can be regarded as the most ignorant, is this ignorance a blessing?

I am happy because I don’t know, I am happy because I don’t know my husband’s mind, I think my daughter is living a good life because I don’t know my daughter’s grievances, because I don’t know that she is the happiest at this moment.

And at this moment, when An Xin walked to the banquet, small tables had already been set up in the huge venue, and at this moment the maids were busy all around. When An Xin saw this, Qi Ye beside him said, The king goes to see my mother and concubine."

At this moment, although the banquet is about to start, it will be busy for a period of time after all, and some of the ladies who appeared at this moment were arranged to rest and chat in another place, because An Xin was brought by Qi Ye, so at this moment Qi Ye He looked at Concubine Yan Gui with peace of mind.

But at this moment, when Qi Ye went to see Concubine Yan Gui with peace of mind, he met a person on the road, "His Royal Highness is well," when he saw the person coming in front, Qi Ye cupped his hands and said.

And at this moment, when An Xin saw this, she also saluted, "This must be Princess Xianghua. I didn't expect Princess Xianghua to be such a beautiful woman. I really don't know who will be blessed in the future and can marry Princess Xianghua, "

After the prince greeted the Seventh Master, he turned his head to look at An Xin and said, the appearance was the same as seeing An Xin for the first time, but he looked at the Seventh Master with a meaningful tone after seeing An Xin. Looking at the two of them at this moment, it is inevitable that they will not be misunderstood.

After An Xin heard the prince's words, she smiled lightly and said nothing, no matter what she said at this moment, it would be wrong, not to mention that the prince was clearly targeting the Qi Ye at this moment, so if she meddles in blindly, she will inevitably not be affected by Chi Yu.

And at this moment, after hearing the words of His Royal Highness, the Seventh Lord also joked, "It's true, Princess Xianghua is outstanding in appearance and talent, so naturally he must be matched with the most worthy person,"

Qi Ye's words were a bit vague, he knew very well that An Xin and Qin Yihan were a couple, so at this moment, he turned a blind eye to His Highness the Crown Prince's hint, and instead blocked him with a single sentence.

"Indeed," the prince looked at Qi Ye with a smile and said, "I still have things to do, so I won't disturb you two," His Royal Highness said with a smile after looking at the two.

It's just that there is a sneer in the eyes, who doesn't know that An Xin is Qi Ye's person, who doesn't know that Qi Ye is going to pick An Xin up on purpose at this moment, if the seventh brother has no other intentions like this, I'm afraid he won't kill himself believe.

But at this moment, when His Royal Highness saw the back of the seventh master, a shadow flashed in his eyes. He had a deep dislike for the seventh master. Since he was a child, this younger brother loved to fight with him, no matter what. .

(End of this chapter)

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