Chapter 1398

In fact, I have a hatred for Yan Guifei of the Yan family, especially my sister-in-law has been tossing me a lot. In the past, the things that Yan Ruyu dared to do were covered up by them, so they covered up a little bit. of.

It's just that ever since Yan Ruyu found An Xin's fault, all his past actions were overturned in an instant, and at this moment, the Seventh Prince was naturally also affected. Although it was not very serious, Concubine Yan Gui remained the same for this point. He secretly hated the Yan family.

Of course, An Xin is also in it at the moment, but she never expressed it. After all, An Xin still has a certain use at this moment, so Concubine Yan Gui does not intend to offend An Xin, but there is one sentence that is not a good thing to say, it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge , at this moment she has that patience to wait.

When the concubines and the noble ladies below heard the exchange of fire between the two, they all became more and more slobbering, "Let me see these two sisters, what are you doing? Today is your queen sister!" On the big day, look at how many people have come to congratulate, this is the only one in the Xia Kingdom, the queen sister is really lucky, "

Although there were times when the queen celebrated her birthday in the past, it was not as intense as it is now, and it was not as extravagant as this time, so the voice at this moment had a sour taste no matter how you heard it.

"Ya Concubine is clearly joking, it's not just a normal wedding banquet," and at this moment, when the Queen heard the words of the woman in the light blue palace attire, she said, and at this moment, the Ya Concubine was wearing a light blue palace attire, with an elegant appearance Free from vulgarity, it gives people a spring breeze.

Especially when she laughed, the whole person seemed to warm up immediately, making people around look at it, as if walking into a painting of spring in an instant, and at the moment sitting beside her was a pink and jade-carved little girl.

The little girl was dressed in a princess costume, with a waffle on her head, and her delicate face was red, looking just like the red apple. Sitting there, the two of them immediately looked like a painting, and they looked very warm.

And at this moment, the youngest daughter is Xiao Yu'er and Princess Yu, An Xin has to say at this time, when Xiao Yu'er and Ya Concubine are sitting together, if they don't know at first, they will really mistakenly think that they are mother and daughter, especially An Xin sighed when she saw that little Yu'er showing a sweet smile.

The Ninth Prince was probably worried, but at this moment when Xiao Yu'er was sitting in front of the concubine Ya, when she saw An Xin not far away, she was slightly taken aback for a moment, but she was not so relieved.

"Ya Concubine, you are kind-hearted. Look, you have raised this Princess Jade to be more and more beautiful, and I will love it very much when I see it." At this moment, when Concubine Yan Guifei saw this Concubine Ya, Then he also spoke.

It's just that those words are mocking Yafei, a woman who can't even raise her own children, but now she is here to swell her face to pretend to be fat. The two women that Yan Guifei hates the most in the palace are Yafei and this queen.

Both of them are good at pretending. The former Concubine Yan Gui looks much pleasing to the eye, but this Concubine Ya is deeply disgusted, because every time you say something harsh to her, she will look at you with a particularly wronged look, as if What did you do wrong? If you see it with peace of mind, you will definitely say white lotus.

"Yeah, this little Yu'er is very obedient. I like my sister, so naturally I love her dearly. I can't wait to give her everything that is good. When I see this little Yu'er, I think of my poor child." Concubine Ya has two children, one is the Fourth Prince and the other is the Seventh Princess, but it is a pity that the Seventh Princess has been dead for many years.

Speaking of this, Ya Concubine's eyes turned red again, and the queen at the side couldn't help but frowned when she saw it. This woman just said a word, and she looked like she was about to cry, she looked really bored.

(End of this chapter)

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