pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 140: I Am Crazy

Chapter 140: I Am Crazy (2)
And when Ergou heard the prison head's words, he took a step back subconsciously, and hurriedly protected the jade bracelet he had put away, "What are you doing, head? This girl bought something for me, you can't take it."

As he spoke, he looked at the head of the prison defensively, and when the head of the prison saw this, he walked over without hesitation, and snatched the jade bracelet.

"What are you doing? Didn't you say that girl wants to buy something? Give this jade bracelet to me first, and you go back first," finally the warden sighed, and the appearance was that of resignation because of his helplessness.

And when Ergou heard the prison head's words, he immediately happily called the jade bracelet in his hand to the prison head, "Boss, you promised to buy it for that girl, didn't you?"

As soon as Ergou heard the prison head's words, Ergou couldn't believe it. He never thought that the prison head would agree in the next second. He was obviously indifferent and resolute in the previous second.

"Yes, didn't you say that there will be retribution? This time, I will take it as if I have accumulated Yinde, and I will buy it after dawn. In addition, when I leave, you have to watch carefully, but Don't make any trouble, you also know that if she runs away, your family will probably suffer, so Ergou listened to the first sentence, you don't know many things when you are young, so don't be too soft-hearted, so The son will only kill yourself, so you are obedient, and after taking the money from the head of the police, you can go home and have a good year this year. There is no need to offend An Tietian for someone you don't know. , the only ones who suffer are you and your family," the head of the prison said earnestly when he heard Ergou's words.

It's just that Ergou didn't notice the coldness in the prison head's eyes at this moment, and promised to show kindness?It's ridiculous that this is simply impossible, it is impossible for him to buy things for An Xin.

The reason why he said this is nothing more than to appease Ergou. After all, he can't fall out with Ergou at this moment, because there are only the two of them in this cell. It's just a disadvantage. Instead of doing this, it's better to follow Ergou first. Anyway, it will be fine if you say that you don't have enough money in a while.

"Don't worry, I will take good care of that girl. You go to rest for a while. After all, you have to buy something for your girl later. Remember, it's sweet-scented osmanthus cake, candied haws, and Yuyuelou sweet and sour pork ribs," Er Gou happily said to the prison head.

At this moment, Ergou's smile was the first time he had smiled so happily since An Xin came into the cell. After all, it was really painful to do bad things, especially when he saw that girl dying, he felt even more painful.But he would also remember what the prison head said just now, and Ergou sighed in his heart. This incident is probably the most wicked thing he has ever done in his life.

And after coming here for a while, the prison head got up and left the cell, and when he came out of the cell, Ergou thought that the prison head was going to buy something for An Xin, but he didn't know that the prison head was going home at all up.

But now on the other side, after dawn, Uncle Ning also went to find Aunt Qiao early in the morning, and when Aunt Qiao heard that An Xin wanted to see her, she immediately broke everything in the room.

"She wants to see me, right? Well, I'll go see her right away, but she won't regret it then," Aunt Qiao said with a gloomy face, and there was a distorted cold light on her gloomy cheeks.

She never thought that An Xin, that cheap girl, would be so stubborn. After meeting one after another, she really thought she insisted on the menu in her hand?
At this moment, Aunt Qiao was thinking in her heart, if An Xin is ignorant of current affairs this time, then don't blame her for being rude. Anyway, she will feel a pity if she can't get the menu, but compared to getting rid of her, then it's nothing What a big deal.

(End of this chapter)

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