Chapter 1400

"The empress is just joking. The reason why the minister came up with the formula was just a mistake. If you really want to talk about blessings, how can the minister be as good as the empress? The reason why this plague can be solved so quickly at this moment is completely unknown. Nai Niangniang is blessed and blessed," said Anxin at this moment.

After hearing An Xin's words, the people around all curled their lips, but they thought in their hearts, where is the prosperity and good fortune? The plague came after preparing for the birthday, but no one dared to say it at this moment.

It was where he flattered the queen, and when An Xin heard those words, she breathed a sigh of relief. Although she didn't know why the queen came to him, at this moment, An Xin was trying to hide as long as she could, and didn't intend to hide. Get in touch with this queen more.

At this moment, when Concubine Yan Gui on the side saw An Xin, she said, "Hurry up, girl, get up and retreat, it's so troublesome to kneel here, sister, are you right?"

Then she looked at the queen and said, when the queen heard what Yan Guifei said, she smiled lightly and said, "My sister is right, Princess Xianghua go back and take your seat, we have to go to the banquet later, "

Although she didn't like Concubine Yan's meddling, the queen looked at An Xin, but didn't make things difficult, but waved her hand, and when she saw and heard An Xin, she quickly backed away.

At this moment, An Xin deeply feels how hateful this evil old society is. Kneeling and kneeling, she has a tendency to become disabled when she kneels, but at this moment, she is just drinking tea with this woman. It's really troublesome to have a birthday banquet.

"Qingyan, why don't you eat?" Ms. Zhao, who was on the side, saw her daughter sitting down and looking at An Xin who was not far away from the beginning to the end, she was slightly taken aback for a moment, then turned her head and said , "Don't worry about Qingyan, I won't let her stay with this woman for long, I'll tell my father another day, and let him find a way to get her away, it'll make me sick when I see it,"

When Ms. Zhao saw An Xin, she was obviously very displeased. This woman not only came after the capital, but also became a princess. You must know that the reason why they can enter the palace at this moment is because of their father. Otherwise, let alone entering the palace at this moment, I am afraid that the one at the gate will not be able to enter.

But at this moment, it is good to feel at ease, not to mention the position of the job, just now the queen called the name, when thinking of this, Miss Zhao suddenly felt very uncomfortable, at this moment she thinks that woman has robbed her daughter elegant demeanor.

There can be no two tigers in one mountain. At this moment, she has only one daughter. No matter whose child An Xin is, she shouldn't be here. Miss Zhao looked at An Xin, and the gloomy eyes flashed. thing.

Now that An Xin has entered the capital, does that mean that her husband's other wife is also coming?Thinking of this, Ms. Zhao suddenly felt panicked, because once that woman came, she would be reduced to a stepmother, and at this moment, that woman was his legitimate marriage.

Faced with this, how could Ms. Zhao not have the slightest idea? When Zhao Qingyan heard her mother's words, she turned her head and smiled at Ms. Zhao, "Mother, don't worry, I'm fine."

It's just that I have another thought in my heart. At this moment, it is already impossible to send this woman away. At this moment, she first met this son of the Xue family, and she is making friends with Junhua, and at this moment, she is dating Yan Guifei. If your grandfather wanted to get him away smoothly, it would be impossible at all.

And at this moment, if this matter happened at the beginning, when the woman came to the capital at the beginning, if they did it at that time, the woman would definitely not survive the next morning, but it is impossible at this moment, because no matter what I do, the next morning In seconds, someone secretly solved it for her.

When thinking of this point, Zhao Qingyan couldn't help thinking, his father had seen this woman before, but he just pretended not to know her, maybe he wanted to protect this woman from the beginning Little bitch?

At this moment, Zhao Qingyan was thinking about it, and the more she thought about it, the colder her heart became. When she looked at An Xin, her hand tightly grasped the cup, as if it was about to be crushed. He has planned everything, so he will cover up for the other party.

And at this moment, the purpose is to keep him from hurting her?When thinking about this, Zhao Qingyan felt betrayed and teased, and if An Xin knew Zhao Qingyan's thoughts, she would definitely say that you are overthinking, sister, and that this father didn't recognize her at all. OK.

(End of this chapter)

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