Chapter 1403

"Princess Xianghua, don't make trouble with Huarong, this child is spoiled," the queen looked at this and said with peace of mind, knowing that this woman was on the side of Concubine Yan Gui, the queen would naturally not like her, but at this moment As a queen, naturally she would not embarrass the other party.

After all, that would be a lack of demeanor for a queen, and at this moment when An Xin heard what the queen said, she got up and said, "The empress is joking, how dare the servants take offense at the princess, and the princess is right at the moment, everyone gives gifts Now, if the minister is an exception, it is really disrespectful, so the minister also prepared a performance for the queen, "

An Xin knelt on the ground, and at this moment when the queen heard An Xin's words, she immediately smiled, "The palace is waiting," but the tone was a bit mocking, what is An Xin's origin, the capital of the Xia Kingdom I know, I am just a grassroots person. If I hadn't rescued the plague by mistake at this moment, let alone entering the palace at this moment, I am afraid that I would not even be able to touch the palace gate.

After hearing this, An Xin got up from the ground, stood not far away and clapped her hands, and soon many people brought up a lot of things, and now after all the things were brought up, An Xin said, "I don't know who Miss is willing to come up and cooperate, "

As she said that, she looked around, but at the moment, no one talked to An Xin at all. When An Xin saw this, because she was not in a hurry, she looked at the bloated lady not far away.

And at this moment, how could she not think of Li Jiaoyan?I ate well and was dragged onto the stage. In fact, this Li Jiaoyan is only a little prettier than her name, but she is 1.5 meters tall and weighs more than 110 catties.

When adding the clothes, the whole person looks particularly swollen at this moment, with a chubby face, but the whole person looks a bit cute, and at this moment when An Xin is holding hands, there is still a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake in his hand .

"What are you doing? I haven't finished eating yet," and the woman sitting next to Li Jiaoyan at the moment, after hearing her daughter's useless words, said that she was ashamed to see others. Know how to eat and eat.

But for An Xin pulling her daughter for no reason, Mrs. Li also expressed dislike. After all, An Xin is obviously dragging her woman out to embarrass her. "Do you want me to make you beautiful?"

This Li Jiaoyan didn't like An Xin very much at first, but when she heard An Xin's words, her eyes lit up immediately, and she nodded quickly, "It's so beautiful, I want to be like her,"

As he spoke, he pointed to a woman not far away. The woman looked genuinely glamorous, but after An Xin saw it, she shook her head and expressed that she was helpless, "That's too heaven-defying,"

She said that the woman was somewhat similar to Concubine Yan Gui. This person was the daughter of Master Yan's brother, Yan Qingxin. As the name suggests, she looked delicate and beautiful. After Li Jiaoyan heard this, she looked at An Xin and expressed that she dared not .

"Do me a favor, I'll give you a discount for your beauty afterwards, and I have a set of slimming formulas that will keep you slim within three months," An Xin saw that this woman was not showing face, so she approached Li Jiaoyan.

When Li Jiaoyan heard An Xin's words, her eyes lit up immediately, but the next second she said, "Can you not eat it?" Want to pry her head open to see what's inside?
Mrs. Li on the side also said that she heard what An Xin said to coax her daughter, but although she thought that what An Xin said later was unreliable, it was just that the previous sentence was in line with her own wishes, and for your beauty, Mrs. Li said, "Buy One get one free,"

(End of this chapter)

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