Chapter 1408

I wanted it from the very beginning, and now I am speaking with peace of mind, this queen will naturally not be hypocritical, telling you that the last thing a woman can refuse is something that can make herself beautiful, and at this moment, what An Xin gave was just this thing that can make herself beautiful Something, the empress will refuse to have a ghost.

But at this moment, Emperor Xia, who was on the side, couldn't help but smile when he saw An Xin. He had figured out An Xin's trick, what does it mean to become a beauty?
This is simply a way to promote their own shop, and tell everyone present that the things in their shop are good. Regarding this point, Emperor Xia said that this woman is very shrewd.

But Emperor Xia didn't hate it either, after all, he would allow a woman to be smart, and at the moment he was using An Xin, but at the moment she was just taking advantage of what she should have, and I was only seeking the greatest benefit.

At this moment, Emperor Xia looked at An Youwei who was not far away, smiled, and mocked with a half-smile. A few days before An Xin was named the princess, Emperor Xia had already sent An Xin's ancestor ten thousand years ago. Eight generations have investigated it, and at this moment, An Youwei is naturally among them.

Emperor Xia didn't really like this man who abandoned his wife and son, but he didn't hate it either. After all, it's human nature for this person to go up and down. It's a pity that An Youwei might have made the wrong choice. This woman should not be easy in the future.

When he was investigating, he found that there was a force behind An Xin who was helping her, but because it was harmless to him, Emperor Xia hadn't investigated further, but when he looked at An Xin, he had to Admit that the kid is too smart.

Sometimes he couldn't help but wonder, is she really only 13 years old?However, Emperor Xia didn't care about this very soon. When he was 13 years old, he had already started to count the brothers around him, so at this moment, he didn't think of a 13-year-old child as a child.

After all, he is only 13 years old and can do many things, 13 years old can go to the battlefield with his father, 13 years old can plot against his brother, 13 years old can kill many people, 13 years old can find a future wife, so at this moment for An Xin Little cleverness, Emperor Xia allows it.

And at this moment, after An Xin gave the gift, she led Li Jiaoyan back to her seat, and now Li Jiaoyan couldn't help rubbing her feet as soon as she sat down, and Mrs. Li hurried over, "You Is it my daughter?"

Those eyes were full of doubts. When Li Jiaoyan saw her mother talking nonsense, she pushed her away angrily, "Mother, you are stupid, I am not your daughter, who is it? Get up quickly, I'm starving to death,"

After speaking, she picked up the sweet-scented osmanthus cake and ate it. When she saw the appearance and heard the voice, Mrs. Li said that this must be her daughter. You must know that this daughter of yours cannot do without eating. This is not her daughter. who is it?
In fact, Mrs. Li looked at her daughter very emotionally at this moment. She named her daughter Jiaoyan, and the purpose was to hope that this daughter would be delicate and soft, and also gorgeous, but it was a pity that the name was chosen well. This person But there is no such thing as delicate, soft and gorgeous.

On the contrary, it is getting uglier and uglier. Thinking about Mrs. Li, tears come to my eyes. I want to raise a princess, but I didn’t expect to raise a fat girl. I want to look beautiful and delicate. Looking at this girl’s eating, I suddenly feel that life Hopeless.

At this moment, the girl Mrs. Li wants is a cute girl in a modern language. Looking at Mrs. Li, she has never seen her daughter's cuteness from the beginning to the end, and at this moment, after An Xin's general transformation, the word "cute" appeared , How can this not make Mrs. Li excited.

(End of this chapter)

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