Chapter 1410

One day of Queen's birthday, An Xin stole the limelight. On the second day, the reputation of being beautiful for you became more and more popular. Every day when the door opened, there were hundreds of people queuing up outside, but because of the limited amount of rouge and gouache.

At this moment, many people will be waiting in vain, but An Xin has invited many ingenious women to make some simple rouge powder a few months ago. After all, those expensive ones are sold out quickly. It's also selling well.

Although the rouge and gouache are the simplest at the moment, they are completed in two steps, and they are done by two people separately. At this moment, these girls are all signed, and the signing lasts for one or two years.

And at this moment, if someone of these people leaks the secret, they will go bankrupt and go to jail. At the moment, everyone makes different rouge and gouache, so once the secret is leaked, it will be easy to be investigated by An Xin, so everyone is cautious.

After all, if others think they know about this thing at this moment, because only one of them knows, so feel free to sue them at that time, and then they can only eat Coptis chinensis dumb.

However, many people are willing to do it because of the benefits that are given with peace of mind. After all, high rewards come with high risks. At this moment, some people will do it under the temptation of money.

Of course, these people are not in contact with those in Pingcun. At this moment, these are just the simplest rouge and gouache. Even if they are taken by others at this moment, they will not lose any peace of mind.

After all, An Xin is not stupid at this moment, she should be more cautious in doing things in a place like the capital, so at this moment, An Xin will naturally keep an eye on everything.

And at this moment, after An Xin arranged all these things, she made this beauty for you on the right track, and at this moment, An Qiao from far away also sent a letter, saying that everything at home was fine, that An Youcai had excellent grades in school, and let Do not think about or remember them yourself.

Knowing that An Qiao and An Youcai are very good, An Xin became more and more comfortable when doing things in the capital, and now An Xin is busy with her own work.

After the Queen's birthday, this Junhua has never appeared before, and at this moment, the Emperor Shang has also fallen into the hands of this Junhua. After knowing all this, An Xin understands that this Junhua should be busy with herself at this moment. things.

Junhua's work is obviously much busier than his own, and at this moment, during this period of time, An Xin will choose to enter the space when he has nothing to do, and make those ripe fruits into fruit.

And at the moment, this busy work lasted for several days. After An Xin made those fruits into fermented fruit, An Xin secretly made more than a dozen jars of fermented fruit fermented out of the space, leaving five for herself. The rest of the altar was taken to Yuyue Tower.

And at this moment, on the day when Guo Niang was not brought here, Qi Ye and Jun Hua happened to be there too, and when seeing both of them were there, An Xin asked Xiaoer to get Guo Niang down first, and then hugged him A jar of wine went upstairs.

But at this moment when Jun Hua saw An Xin coming in, he waved to him, "Girl, you have been busy recently, and I haven't seen you appear for many days,"

In fact, An Xin is making fruit wine in the space every day, because he has planted a lot of this wine in his space, and it will naturally take a lot of time at this moment, so Junhua naturally couldn't find An Xin's figure for many days .

And every time he went to find An Xin, the housekeeper of Xianghua Princess Mansion would shake his head and say that the princess ran away again, and there was no one around all day long, or else he stayed up all day and was busy until the first day. next morning.

(End of this chapter)

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