Chapter 1422

After hearing the reassuring words, Shujun quickly shook his head and said, "I don't need it, the place where I sleep is very comfortable," not to mention that this thing is not for people to sleep, it is really like a dead person's sleep.

"Okay, don't talk about this thing, just make it," An Xin took out the distribution map from her arms, and then showed it to the book writer, and at this moment, the distribution map is clearly written no matter what point Chu.

But at this moment, when Shujun saw this, he looked at the distribution maps, and then said, "This thing is easy to make, just wait, I will let the carpenter fix it for you in a few days," looked at it After those distribution maps, the calligrapher said. "But this ugly thing is really ugly. If you really want a coffin, you can find me, and I will make you a beautiful one,"

In the end, Shu Jun also said something, making An Xin shoot his eyes over, and glanced at the other party coldly, "No, you can stay to sleep by yourself, grandma, I am young, after a few years you are buried, I Make you the most beautiful coffin in the world, and give you a gift,"

An Xin especially bit the word 'gift' a little bit harder, Shu Jun's mouth twitched at this point, he just wanted to play with this girl, but he didn't expect this girl to be more ruthless, so she came back to tease him for being old.

Woohoo is he old?Impossible thing, how could he be old in a few years, only eighteen or nineteen, he is as old as a flower, as strong as that little tree.

"Although this thing is not difficult, but you don't need to be in a hurry, I will wait slowly when I have time," An Xin threw a hygienic eye to Shu Jundao, this thing is not difficult to make, but she also hopes that it can be more delicate .

After all, this is the first threshing machine in the world, and the threshing machine box is the easiest at the moment, but the difficult thing is the wheels and the shovel at this moment. Thinking of the iron chain at this moment, An Xin sighed , I will find someone to study it tomorrow.

"Don't worry, your things, how can my young master do them well? They will definitely be beautiful, polished and smooth, and they will be so strong that they will be intact when they fall off the roof." At this moment, Shujun said to An Xin .

That appearance seemed to be saying that you should praise me. Seeing An Xin's mouth twitched, she coughed a few times and nodded, "Well, after you fix it for me, send it to Princess Xianghua's mansion. "

An Xin looked at Shujun, this man was really happy, didn't he look like this last time he saw him?Why did we meet so much in only half a year, this child is so happy.

At this moment, Shujun nodded when he heard An Xin's words, but he was a little surprised in the next second, "You live in Xianghua County Lord's Mansion?"

Although he seldom goes out, it is just the name of Princess Xianghua. He has heard of it, so he is a little surprised at the moment. When did this woman hook up with Princess Xianghua's mansion? Shu Jun is also half-knowledgeable.

"I am Princess Xianghua," An Xin looked at the book Jundao, the whole capital knew about it, there was no need to hide it or show it off, it was just a fact.

It's just for Shujun, this fact is a bit shocking, so I looked at this and said with peace of mind, "Not long ago, you were a little kid, but now you have become a princess. It's really 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi ,"

It turns out that although An Xin has some abilities, the calligrapher didn't pay much attention to it. He just asked for the blueprint and left, so he probably never paid much attention to An Xin. Only now did Shujun know that An Xin had gone so far .

In the past, they were considered superior, but now she is even more superior. Such a change made Shujun couldn't help feeling emotional, "By the way, you know that Junhua is engaged, right?!"

(End of this chapter)

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