Chapter 1430

"Don't blame me for An You looking for death for you. I can't kill you right now. I'm ruined, but I still have a way." Poor enough.

But at this moment, this man is still pouring dirty water on An Shi so shamelessly, and if he is really a 13-year-old child at this moment, believes his words, and thinks that An Shi is lying to him, then this An Shi is simply Even if the mute eats coptis, I am afraid that he will commit suicide in the next second.

It can be seen why An You is so vicious, he keeps the good ones to himself, but wants An's to take the blame. Men really don't have many good things, and they all say that they are married for a night, but at this moment, An Youwei and An's, then But the relationship between husband and wife for more than ten years, and what did An Youwei do?
What he did was probably worse than a beast, not to mention that it wasn't a one-night husband and wife Bai Yeen, even if An Shi gave birth to three children for him, he couldn't be so ruthless and unjust to entrap the other party, a weak woman like An Shi.

At this moment, An Xin was very angry with An Youwei's behavior. Although what An Xin did in the past made An Xin alienate him a little, but she was her mother from beginning to end.

How could she tolerate An Youwei's slander of An's at this moment? Even if this mother is sometimes incompetent, it's just that others can't let others say that. An Xin is very protective of her own shortcomings, but she will never allow others to slander and trample on her. .

But at the other end at this moment, a beautiful figure slowly opened the curtain in the dark, and then put it down when An Xin walked into the princess mansion. At that moment, the girl's eyes were full of sneering.

"Mother, you have seen, this is the man you chose," and the person in the carriage at this moment is this Zhao Qingyan. When Zhao Qingyan saw the farce just now, she simply felt that her face was similar to this one. An Youwei lost everything.

At this moment, she was really ashamed of An Youwei. He, a big man, did such a thing, not only his own face was lost, but even the Zhao family's face was also lost by him.

Zhao Qingyan looked at Miss Zhao in the carriage, "Mother, you saw it, this is the man you chose, look at his ugly appearance, mother, let's live on our own, mother, I don't want my father anymore,"

Zhao Qingyan walked up to Ms. Zhao's mother, threw herself into Ms. Zhao's arms and looked at the stupefied Ms. Zhao. Her tone was a little sad. That was her father. Haha, these are my fathers. I would do such a shameful thing. out.

When Ms. Zhao heard her daughter's words, she looked very sad, but she still shook her head. When Zhao Qingyan saw this, she immediately smiled, a little disappointed, "Forget it, I know what you think,"

After saying that, she got out of the carriage, and when Miss Zhao saw this, she pulled her daughter, opened her mouth and said, "Even if Qingyan is wrong, he is still your father. Qingyan is just confused for a while. Qingyan, give him some time, you have to believe that he will be a good father,"

Miss Zhao pulled her daughter's clothes and shook her head. She didn't want her daughter to go away. In fact, Miss Zhao came here today because she was dragged here by Zhao Qingyan. In fact, Zhao Qingyan's biggest purpose was to want to Let your mother see it.

See what the good man she said is doing?He said one thing but now he did another thing. Seeing that An Xin got promoted and made a fortune, he hurried to her side at this moment. How is his appearance different from when he saw Miss Zhao?
How beautiful it was when he asked for forgiveness back then, but now look at what he did?She was outside the palace of the princess all day long, trying to curry favor with the other party all day long, so Zhao Qingyan couldn't help but ask at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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