Chapter 1432

At this moment, I can't bear to break it. Even when I see the other party, I find that he has changed, so that I don't know him, but so what?At this moment, he is his own man from beginning to end, no matter what he becomes, his children call him father, and he is his wife.

The three obediences and four virtues of ancient women have locked them in for a lifetime, just like Miss Zhao, she was locked in, even if her husband-in-law has changed at this moment, there is still no way to change.

Because she has been married to An Youwei, no matter whether An Youwei is good or bad, she can't change this fact, because this is the sorrow of a woman, and it is also her fate. She waited for that man for 16 years and finally at this moment When the time comes, even if the other party has really changed, the obsession has already stayed in his body, and he can't change it and can't let it go.

Zhao Qingyan looked at her mother, with deep sorrow in her heart, she closed her eyes to prevent herself from crying. From a very young age, Zhao Qingyan knew that her mother was too weak, but regardless of her in how weak.

It's just that there is one thing that can't be changed, that is, the obsession and stubbornness towards An Youwei. In fact, Zhao Qingyan can't help but think at this moment, how such a weak mother used the courage to oppose her grandfather back then. He opposed his grandfather letting him be born.

She couldn't figure out why she, who was so weak, was so obsessed with An Youwei, but no matter what, she was not a good mother, and she tried her best to protect herself after giving birth.

It's just that she will never know in her whole life, how many eyes she has received in the dark, how much pain she has endured because of the illegitimate daughter, she does not know and will not understand.

Because her mother sat by the lotus pond in a daze when she was very young, she would only wait for that person, that person who didn't know what to say, but now that the person is waiting, what is the ridiculous thing about waiting for?
Zhao Qingyan doesn't want to think about it anymore. The living environment from childhood to adulthood makes Zhao Qingyan's heart very cold. Except for certain things, she can't move her mind. At this moment, she is really tired of Miss Zhao's matter. Panic.

And An Xin who was on the other side at the moment was a little annoyed because of this matter about An Youwei, and soon walked into her room, thinking about how to deal with this trouble, it would be a disaster to keep this man.

Soon An Xin sat in the room and knocked on the table, her expression unchanging, "Uncle Li," just as the voice fell, a figure appeared in it, and when that figure appeared at this moment, it was the person who was at the door just now. A big man who helps outside.

"Uncle Li, tell me, it's better to kill this man, or how to solve it?" An Xin looked at the big man and said, not concealing his killing intent, whether he was his father or not, it was just for An Xin, he just A damned person.

Although she is occupying Erya's body at the moment, it's just that An Youwei is doing too much at the moment. If not, she won't be tempted to kill. After all, An Youwei is also the father of An Qiao and An Youcai , even if the two are hating to kill him at this moment, it will make them both sad after all.

An Xin understands the blood relationship. After all, when her parents died in her previous life, she cried so hard, so at the beginning, she really didn't want to be safe, even if this man did it.

She had plans to abolish him, but she didn't intend to kill him. It's just that she had to do it today. When Uncle Li heard An Xin's words, he looked at An Xin and said, "Miss, if you do it now , I'm afraid it will be inappropriate, after all, you had a dispute with him just now, if she dies in a blink of an eye, you can't escape the suspicion after all, miss, let alone there is no need for you to expose your power for such a person, and At this moment, Miss, don't forget that there are many people watching your every move in the capital, if you want to kill a court official, it will inevitably be noticed by others, and I am afraid that Emperor Xia will not let it go."

(End of this chapter)

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