Chapter 1435

But at this moment, when An Xin heard Mrs. Liu's words, she looked at Xue Ran and Mrs. Liu, and then frowned, "Don't you think you have found the wrong person? Although I have some medical skills, I am not Immortal, the reason why Concubine Yan Gui's illness can be cured is because my master handed it over to me from the very beginning, so I really can't do anything about Miss Li's illness at this moment, you can find someone else."

She is really powerless about Liu Lu's condition, after all, she knows her own medical skills clearly, and since Liu Lu was sick, she has seen many miracle doctors, it is a bit ridiculous to let herself be sincere at this moment.

She doesn't think that she is better than those people's medical skills. After all, the reason why she can cure the plague at this moment is because of a mistake, and the poison of Concubine Yan at this moment is also because of this ghost doctor. canon.

It's just that Liu Lu is different now. Her illness is really difficult, and it's not a common difficulty. If she goes to see it, she may not be able to get better. She is not so arrogant that she thinks that other doctors can't see it. If you get a good disease, you will have your own solution.

But at this moment, Mrs. Liu didn't believe it, and knelt down in front of An Xin, "Please save my daughter, as long as you save my daughter, I can give you my little life. Whatever you want, I will give it to you." You, I just want this daughter to live well, no matter what it is, I will be the same, please save my daughter, "

At this moment, Mrs. Liu was kneeling on the ground, and when An Xin saw this, she walked over and pulled her, "Mrs. Liu, don't be like this, I really don't want other things, okay, okay,,, I'll go with you Come on, it's just that whether you can save her or not depends on Miss Liu's life."

When An Xin spoke, she sighed, she didn't dislike Liu Lu, although she looked softer and weaker, she was just a human being but she wouldn't let herself be disliked, but she didn't really like her, after all she and Liu Lu Not much contact.

And at this moment, when Xueran on the side heard An Xin's words, she opened her mouth and said, "Thank you, you stinky girl." When she heard Xue Ran's words, An Xin smiled and said, her expression was a bit mischievous.

"Xueran, I said, we will always be friends. At this moment, Miss Liu's illness, I will try my best, but whether it is possible or not depends on Miss Liu's fortune. Madam Liu believes that you know it too. You can ask the doctor not to leave. Hundreds, I'll go and have a look at this moment, if it doesn't work, I hope you won't be offended,"

Then she looked at Mrs. Liu, and at this moment Mrs. Liu nodded with tears in her eyes and said, "I know Princess Xianghua, but at this moment I still don't want to give up this hope. That girl is my life. Her health is not very good, and she has never thought about her luck for a day at this moment, I am not reconciled to her leaving like this, she is still young, how can she leave like this when she is less than twenty, "

When Mrs. Liu heard An Xin's words, she also nodded. She knew that many things could not be forced, and now she came to ask for An Xin because she was not reconciled, because she was not reconciled to her daughter being sentenced by others.

That's why she brazenly pulled Xueran to beg An Xin, because she hoped that An Xin could come forward to see, even if there was no way to treat her in the end, she had done her best as a mother, and as long as she had the last chance at this moment, she could I will never give up.

Because this is the love of a mother, and at this moment, Mrs. Liu can come to seek peace of mind for Liu Lu. It can be seen that she really loves Liu Lu very much, because if she does not press this Liu Lu, Mrs. Liu will never be embarrassed, and at this moment Her presence showed that her daughter was not as important as her face.

(End of this chapter)

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