Chapter 1449

Soon the carriage moved forward slowly, and when the carriage arrived at Beauty for You, An Xin got off the carriage and walked into Beauty for You. "Sister paper, Princess Xianghua, I'm waiting for you, hurry up and dress me up,"

An Xin said that her heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys were about to be squeezed out, wow, this is overwhelming, "Miss Li, please come here, I'm going to die,"

Seeing Li Jiaoyan rushing towards him, even though she was An Xin, she didn't avoid it for a while, and then her whole body was pressed down on the ground so hard. At that moment, An Xin really had the illusion that she was about to be crushed to death, but luckily she didn't Eat breakfast, or you'll throw up early in the morning.

"Ahem,,, Miss, please come here quickly, you are about to crush this Princess Xianghua to death," Li Jiaoyan's maid at the side couldn't see it at the moment, and hurriedly came over and pulled Li Jiaoyan away.

Li Jiaoyan heard An Xin's distressed cry, and when she heard the words of the maid beside her, she immediately felt a little embarrassed and said, "Princess Xianghua, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean it, I'm not too excited,"

Then he spared Rao's head and said, that appearance looks a little silly and cute, but it's a pity that at this moment, An Xin just feels that Li Jiaoyan is extremely hateful. Ah, Jun Jiaoyan is like this and so is Li Jiaoyan at this moment.

"Miss Li Jiaoyan, please, please tell the truth first, my waist is going to be broken," An Xin looked at Li Jiaoyan and said, she looked like she was gnashing her teeth, can this woman tell the truth first, nothing else? I care, as long as my small body is really not enough compared to this Mount Tai.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'll get up now," Li Jiaoyan nodded when she heard An Xin's words, and then asked the maid beside her to help her up. When An Xin saw this, she also asked the staff beside her to help her up. up.

But when she lifted her up, An Xin waved her hand, "Take it easy, your waist is going to break." Seriously, she has practiced martial arts, but at this moment, An Xin expressed that she couldn't bear the weight of Li Jiaoyan, and she couldn't bear it very much. of.

"Princess Xianghua, did you hurt your waist? Do you want me to call a doctor for you?" Li Jiaoyan expressed her apologies for An Xin. In fact, she really didn't mean it. She just wanted to run over to hug An Xin. The girl was so weak that she collapsed within a second of being unable to hold her.

But at this moment, Li Jiaoyan didn't think about it. Thinking about her weight, let alone hold An Xin, even if she hugged a man, she might not be able to bear it. But when An Xin heard Li Jiaoyan's words, she turned her head and shook her head with a smile. shook his head.

"Thank you, Ms. Li, I'll do it for a while," she begged the girl to stop making trouble, and just do it for a while now, the girl is dumbfounded, and it's really hard for her to deal with it, and next time she's rushing, she Jue forced to subconsciously kick it with his shadowless foot, so as not to suffer for his small waist.

"By the way, what did you come to see me for?" An Xin took a cup of tea, then leaned her back on the chair to make her small waist feel better, then turned her head to look at Li Jiaoyan and said.

"Oh, that's it. My mother asked me to come to you for makeup. I'm going tomorrow..." As she said that, her cheeks were flushed. In fact, Li Jiaoyan is not ugly at the moment, her chubby face looks like Very cute.

Even if An Xin saw it now, she couldn't help stretching out her hand to pinch it, but for herself, this figure was a bit heavy, and when she was pressed by her in the next second, An Xin said that she should avoid it, "But Miss Li, are you fat? more?"

An Xin expressed that something was wrong, this Miss Li seemed to be getting fat again, it was not An Xin's illusion, did she measure this Miss Li last time, she was not so heavy at all, and at this moment, Miss Li's body shape was really fat Quite a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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