Chapter 1453

When An Xin heard Mrs. Li's words, she realized at this time that she was harmed by this concubine sister because she made Li Jiaoyan show off at the birthday banquet. In fact, Li Jiaoru and Li Jiaoyan are not direct sisters at this moment. , but half-sisters.

Li Jiaoyan was born to his aunt, Mrs. Li, and at this moment Li Jiaoyan was born to a concubine at home, but at the beginning, because Li Jiaoyan was chubby and she loved to eat, for this Li Jiaoyan Jiaoru is not at all dangerous.

After all, Li Jiaoru thinks that Li Jiaoyan is a pig compared to herself at this moment, but that birthday banquet changed Li Jiaoru's mind, no matter why Li Jiaoyan got all the limelight that time?
It's just that at this moment, she just wanted to understand that Li Jiaoyan made everyone pay attention to her. At that time, everyone's eyes were on her, and it was precisely because of this that Li Jiao made such a move.

Because at this moment, Li Jiaoru wants to completely destroy Li Jiaoyan. Li Jiaoyan's figure was fat at first, but more of it was plump. Little fat girl.

That's why Mrs. Li said at this moment that Li Jiaoyan's problem is half of An Xin's responsibility, but An Xin looked at Mrs. Li in the next second, "Mrs. Li, what you said is so funny, at this moment you clearly You know, this second young lady poisoned her, but she didn't stop her, is this what a mother should do?"

Since Xiaotao led her here, when she heard Madam Li's words, An Xin's eyes narrowed. At this moment, it seems that Madam Li, as a mother, is not a fuel-efficient lamp. At this moment, she clearly knows that someone is going to harm her daughter. , but she just let it go, how is this different from Li Jiaoru's accomplice?

"You're right. I really don't deserve to be a mother." Mrs. Li walked to Li Jiaoyan's side, touched Li Jiaoyan's chubby cheeks, with a soft expression on her face, "It's just that you are not a mother. You will never know in your whole life, you will never know how you feel as a mother, this child is the heart and soul of the mother, and so is this delicate and beautiful girl at this moment, "

Mrs. Li looked at this and said with peace of mind, "It is precisely because of this, because she is my darling, that's why I did this. This child is too loose, too naive and stupid. If you don't suffer from many things, you will lose everything in your life." I won’t learn to be good, and at some point, experiencing it for myself will be better than any education I have.”

As he spoke, he stroked Li Jiaoyan's beautiful hair, and then looked at An Xin, "Do you know the heart of a mother? Sometimes in order to let the child grow up, when necessary, you have to be willing to give up the child. "

When An Xin heard Mrs. Li's words, she sat aside and looked at Mrs. Li. She really couldn't imagine that this woman would have such scheming. When she saw this woman for the first time, she gave herself the impression that Carelessly.

But at this moment, she gave people a very deep feeling, and at this moment, her love for Li Jiaoyan made An Xin couldn't help but look at her a few more times. This is Mrs. Li as a mother, so much love. well-intentioned.

"But Princess Xianghua, this is my business, and your business at this moment is to detoxify my daughter. After all, this is the trouble you caused, so please take the initiative to do it," Mrs. Li read. See An Xin said.

In fact, she only found out about Li Jiaoyan's poisoning yesterday. After all, this daughter's figure is too fat, which made Mrs. Li suspicious, so she asked Xiao Tao to investigate secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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