Chapter 1458

"Girl like it, this is made of high-quality sandalwood, and it is finely polished. Look at the workmanship and materials. This is the only one in the world." When Shujun saw this reassuring appearance, he thought that the other party I like it so much that I can't speak.

So he ran to An Xin, and at this moment, An Xin looked at Shu Jun, and subconsciously gave him a kick, "I like it? I like you. I want to be more beautiful. The question is, you are a prodigal. Is the threshing machine made of sandalwood? This is money, tell me, how much did you spend on this crap, "

I really want to kick the opponent to death, I really want to kill the opponent, this bastard uses sandalwood as a threshing machine, and I am really ashamed that he can figure it out, "Not much, 1000 taels, and it's just a workmanship material,"

Shujun pointed and said, "It's all made of centuries-old sandalwood, and there are carved patterns on the bottom, I guess you will like it." Shujun didn't ask for praise, but the words came with a kick of peace .

An Xin really doesn't want to play with this guy anymore, at this moment she really doesn't know if she can still play with this guy, she feels like crying, but at this moment An Xin walked not far away and sat down.

"Isn't it in line with Princess Xianghua's wishes?" Shu Heng, who was sitting on the side and had never spoken from the beginning to the end, said. People will give people a feeling like a spring breeze.

Heng An sighed after reading the book, then shook his head and said, "It's my bad luck, I didn't make it clear to your bastard brother at first, but I will give you the money for this thing, change it to something else. This sandalwood is a threshing machine, it will be struck by lightning, "

An Xin knew that the facts were already in front of her eyes, even if she was resisting, because who told her not to explain clearly to this bastard at the beginning, and at this moment, this bastard was considered good, in order to make a threshing machine for herself, Even the sandalwood is willing to take it out, it is really intoxicating.

"Drumming chicken? What is this?" Shuheng looked at this and said with peace of mind. It's just that he is really ugly to this thing, so he, his bastard brother, would use sandalwood to make it. It's a pity that when he found out, it was already too late. It's too late.

And his younger brother still looked smug, which really made Shuheng have the urge to hack the other party. In the end, Shuheng sent the threshing machine to Anxin as a last resort. The reason why I am at a disadvantage.

And at this moment, An Xin also knew that he and the bastard hadn't made it clear from the beginning, and he had no choice but to quibble at the moment, so he could only admit it, and then looked at Shujun viciously, looking like he wanted to drink blood to eat Same meat.

"Master Shuheng will know about this matter in the future, but since you have recognized this thing, you have to get me a second one, don't get me a carved sandalwood or something, just get you a few tablets to work together, It doesn't need to be extravagant, I heard that there is no book, Second Young Master," An Xin looked at the book and said.

Shu Jun felt very wronged. He was kind enough to give An Xin the best, but she looked disgusted. What's going on? "Master Xianghua, you have to figure it out. You said it was better, but I am not better. Isn't it good enough?"

Is it because she herself said to be better, is she not doing well enough at the moment?When hearing this Shujun's words, An Xin had the urge to kill someone, "What the hell, sir, show me clearly, what is this threshing machine for? It's not a treasure, but something from the field. Use your brains, will your family use sandalwood to make things in the field? Brother, I beg you to go back and get a few wooden boards."

(End of this chapter)

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