Chapter 1460

After Shu Jun heard An Xin's words, he went down shyly, and at this moment An Xin looked at Shu Heng, put away the tone of talking to Shu Jun just now, and took a sip of tea lightly, "What's the calligrapher?" The reason, can you let me take out the 50 taels? Tell me, as far as I know, at this moment, your calligrapher seems to be suppressed by many wood families, and it seems desperate at the moment. Why do you think I should Do you want to risk lending money to you?"

She was not angry with Shu Jun An Xin, but she was not at Shu Heng An Xin, but looked at him while drinking tea and chuckling, she had already investigated this man, he looked gentle and polite, but in fact he was a smiling tiger , smiling all day long, but who will know the fangs inside in the next second, when will they be exposed,
"Princess Xianghua, what you said at the moment is indeed right. Our calligrapher has no retreat, but at the moment the calligrapher has not said it will fall, then I will definitely not let it fall. As long as Princess Xianghua is willing to borrow money at this moment Give me 50 taels, and I will be sure to make a comeback, and I will repay you double in the future," Shuheng said with a smile, without any change after being contacted.

Hearing Shuheng's words, An Xin looked at the other party, then sank, "Let me think about it, you have to know that 50 taels is a lot of money for me, if I want to raise money for you, I'm afraid There are certain difficulties, but at this moment I have to figure out whether I should give this money, or whether I should cooperate with you. Your double is very tempting, but unfortunately I know that people are not enough to swallow like snakes People shouldn't blindly crash into it because of greed, I have to think clearly at this moment, otherwise I will be the unlucky person in the future, but I, "

Without rejecting the other party in one breath, An Xin pondered for a while, and then said, Du Yun is just himself at the moment. Although this calligrapher has fallen a bit, his skills are still the same, and no one knows whether he will revive in an instant.

After all, shopping malls are like battlefields, no one is doomed to lose, and no one will never stand up for a lifetime, and at this moment, An Xin is thinking about the chance of the calligrapher turning over, if she has the opportunity to borrow money, it doesn't matter, if she has no other way, she won't Do this thankless thing.

"Naturally, I also know that 50 taels is not a small amount, and I will naturally give you a chance to consider it, Princess Xianghua," Shuheng said, getting up from the stool, and at this moment, the butler gave him peace of mind. guest.

After the two brothers got into the carriage, Shujun looked at his elder brother, "Brother, tell me, is there a good chance that An Xin will borrow money?"

"I don't know at the moment, I have to look at it first. At this moment, she hasn't rejected it outright, and I'm afraid she has her own ideas. It's better than others. It's better if the above three sentences don't drive people away, but the 50 taels is really not a small number." At this moment, I don't know if she will borrow it or not?" Shuheng looked at the people coming and going outside, and said in a worried voice.

"After all, the southern woods are bidding at this moment. If we can't win at this moment, all our efforts in the past will be in vain. But at this moment, if we win the southern forest, I have the ability to turn around in three years. At that time, I will naturally Let those people see, my calligrapher doesn't just say that he can collapse," said a glimmer of light in his eyes.

Seeing Shujun on the side nodded, but he was a little worried. The Shujia used to have a forest, but now the big trees there are almost used up. If you don’t find a new forest at this moment, I’m afraid there will be a certain forest. Sexual trouble.

And at this moment, there is a forest just in the south, and the trees in it at this moment are all high-quality wood. As long as my family can take it, the matter of this wood will be solved in the future, and at this moment, the elder brother is also in the original forest, planting wood. Many seedlings have been planted, and the big tree will grow out in about ten years, so their calligraphers will not be afraid of the problem of wood.

(End of this chapter)

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