Chapter 1462

"Indeed, I borrowed money from me. I don't know if I also asked you?" Now that Shujun was looking for himself, did he also go to Junhua? After all, the two seem to have a good relationship. Not a bad friend, a friend who cheats people is not bad.

When Junhua heard this An Xin's words, he found the book in his hand, "He asked me, but I'm not a little rich woman, I don't have so much spare money to borrow, let alone I'm short of money, do you want to lend me some money?" I'll use it first,"

The calligrapher came to the door, but unfortunately he didn't say anything, so he ran away in despair, and at this moment, Junhua naturally didn't know that the calligrapher was looking for An Xin, and the reason why he asked at this moment was because An Xin had no chance Advance calligrapher for no reason.

After all, at this moment, An Xin has nothing to do with the calligrapher. Things that he didn't care about in the past, but today he suddenly cares about them. There must be ghosts in them. When he thinks about the things in these days, it becomes clear at once. This An Xin asked himself to ask the book Why is home?Naturally, the book family borrowed money.

"Then do you think I should borrow it?" An Xin looked at Jun Hua and said, but soon came again, "No, I should mean, is the calligrapher capable of repaying it? If I can pay back, my money is worth a lot, so naturally it is impossible to borrow it out,"

An Xin knew very clearly that this was not a question of whether to borrow or not, but a question of whether the other party could pay it back. In fact, the 50 taels An Xin would never be able to take out at the beginning. Fortunately, the emperor rewarded some, and now she has made money again. Quite a few, barely enough to be taken out.

It's just that at this moment, she has to force herself to take out the money, and she naturally won't let me spoil it easily, so at this moment, she has to be clear whether the calligrapher should borrow it, or whether the other party has not paid it back.

"This point depends on how you borrow it yourself?" Junhua looked at this and said with peace of mind, "The calligrapher is borrowing money because of the matter of the southern woods. You can go and see for yourself. If you want, you can borrow it. If you don't want to, you don't have to borrow it, but there is one thing to figure out, how much benefit this bookstore can give you, if you can't figure it out, don't tell them about borrowing money, this book looks honest, it's just a scam But people can eat people and don't spit out their bones, so you have to be careful." Jun Hua looked at this and said with peace of mind, for fear that this girl would suffer, and she would cry at that time.

And when An Xin heard Junhua's words, she looked at Junhua and nodded. At this moment, Junhua understood what Junhua said. The calligrapher can borrow money, but there are many things that need to be clarified first. For example, conditions, such as what is it used for?

At this moment, Jun Hua's words are also very clear. It is no problem for the calligrapher to lend money to the other party, but the contract must be clear, "Thank you, Master Jun Hua, but do you think I will suffer?"

An Xin looked at Jun Hua Dao, and at this moment when Jun Hua heard An Xin's words, he shook his head and said, "You are indeed not a person who will suffer, but be careful in everything, by the way, the Jun family's affairs are Did you do it?"

He had already heard about the fact that the Jun family was sent to the coffin, and when he saw An Xin, Jun Hua glanced at the other party and said, but at this moment An Xin waved his hand, looking indifferent appearance.

"It was given by me. Their people went to the wrong place. I sent them back and added a coffin. It was a bargain for them. After all, it cost a few taels of silver, which is not cheap for the other party," An Xin seemed to be saying, 'Look at me, I'm delivering the coffin right now, how could the Jun family be still angry? '

"You girl really don't know the sky is high and the earth is thick." Facing An Xin's appearance, this Junhua was amused. He knew exactly why the Jun family was angry at this moment, but at this moment this girl acted like she was at a disadvantage. appearance, if the Jun family knew about it, she might spit blood out of her anger.

"But you have to be careful about this matter. I'm afraid the Jun family will become more and more crazy in the future. When you go out, bring a few more people with you. If there is any emergency, you can come and find me. You and I don't have to see each other. "When he saw this peace of mind, Junhua arrived.

At this moment, the anger came out, but Junhua knew that the Jun family would not let it go, and An Xin nodded to Junhua's words, but she never regretted what she did.

At this moment, the Jun's family stepped on the door. Could it be that the person who arrested him himself should send him back in a good manner?There is no reason in the world. At this moment, I have given them the coffin with good intentions, which is already considered cheap for them.

She has never been the kind of person who is afraid of trouble. Although she doesn't like to cause trouble, once the other party comes to her, she will not be polite to the other party. After all, many times, people are good at being bullied and horses are good at being ridden. To be bullied and ridden, you have to kick the other party first.

"By the way, the Ninth Prince came out of the palace recently, what gift do you plan to give?" The Ninth Prince is old, and the matter of leaving the palace to start the mansion has already been done almost, and the only thing missing at this moment is an auspicious day. The Ninth Prince can leave the palace.

But at this moment, because the Emperor Xia favored the Ninth Princes, the courtyard is really enviable and jealous, because the courtyard is not the most luxurious, but it happens to be the prince's mansion that used to be the emperor. jealous.

"Going out of the palace, I will give him a big gift when he comes out," An Xin knew about the Ninth Prince's going out of the palace, but I have been a little busy recently, so I almost forgot, and when I heard Junhua's words at this moment, it was time to give him a gift. Great gift, but now I have to think clearly.

After all, the Ninth Prince has a good relationship with him, so naturally he can't embarrass others if he wants to give gifts at this moment, but An Xin doesn't know what to say about the Ninth Prince's favor?On the cusp of the storm, is this a real pet or a fake pet?
(End of this chapter)

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