Chapter 1464

In order to prevent Junhua from having a different heart, he canceled the engagement before Junhua opened his mouth. After all, for Qi Ye, what he wants is a woman who can win Junhua over, not a woman who can make Junhua renounce him. Woman, if you put a woman who can make Junhua renounce him, if Junhua is next to him, he will be out of his mind to do this.

When hearing Jun Hua's words, An Xin didn't know what to say for a moment.At this moment, this Yan Ruyu is also considered pitiful, being used by this Zhao Qingyan, how can she be abandoned by Qi Ye at this moment, for a woman who is not worth using, they can all abandon it in an instant.

In fact, An Xin also thought about it at this moment, if she was worthless, no matter whether it was the man in front of her or that Qi Ye, they would all leave her in an instant and, Qin Yihan, would you do the same?
She who has seen too much of the warmth and warmth of the world, she will inevitably sigh at this moment, but she quickly shook her head and ignored it, "Don't worry, this matter is temporary, Concubine Yan Gui is looking for a new one for me." The woman is engaged, and I don't intend to continue like this at the moment, so I can only wrong you first, and temporarily be the child bride-in-law. As for the Jun family, it is also used to confuse the other party. Once this matter is resolved, I will How about telling everyone that this matter is fake?"

Jun Hua looked at An Xin and said, and when An Xin heard Jun Hua's words, he hesitated for a moment, knocked on the table with his hand, and couldn't make a correct decision for a while.

"What plan do you have? Master Junhua, according to your personality, you probably don't just want me to pretend to respond to the voice of the Jun family," An Xin looked at Junhua and said, she felt that Junhua asked herself to do it. His child bride-in-law has an unusual meaning.

But at this moment, when Jun Hua heard An Xin's words, he raised his head to look at An Xin, and sighed lightly, "I really can't hide anything from you, but don't worry, I will take care of this matter , you just need to promise me, after all, you and I have been friends for many years, don't you have the heart to refuse me?"

As she said that, she looked at An Xin with her eyes. The charm of peach blossoms made An Xin slightly taken aback. At that moment, her whole body seemed to be sucked in, and there was an indescribable bewilderment on the delicate and demonic cheeks. , making people involuntarily fascinated, especially the faint pleading in the eyes, which made An Xin tense for a moment, and subconsciously nodded foolishly.

"Wow, you're using a beauty trick." Although she resisted Junhua to a certain extent, when the man really seduced her, An Xin said that she would definitely surrender. Everyone has a heart, so it's hard for this handsome man to seduce him so much.

"It doesn't matter whether it's a beauty trick or a beauty trick, you just nodded to agree, you are not allowed to play tricks, you must know that businessmen value integrity, if you go back on your word, you will break your trust, this is a big taboo for businessmen," Jun Huaqiao I clicked this in my hand to feel at ease, and the smile on that face was like a child's, and the smile was extraordinarily bright.

When An Xin saw this, she sighed, feeling helpless, but it was the first time she saw this man smiling so happily, and it was rare, "Okay, I promise you, but what purpose do you have, can you Tell me?"

Junhua asked herself to admit to this woman, she always felt that something was not simple, so she couldn't help but asked curiously at this moment, and when Junhua heard this, she sighed and rubbed her face. An Xin's hair, "Don't talk, kid, you will know about this in the future, you seem to agree, and you will have scruples if you do something like this. After all, it is only with you or me. There are benefits, at worst, this month's Yuyue Tower's commission will be given to you, can you see if this compensation is okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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