Chapter 1466

So at this moment, this half and half came about like this, because if the calligrapher can't stand up at this moment, if he lends money to the other party, it means that he has lost money. Not sure.

I was thinking about the matter of the calligrapher, but the matter of the Jun family came to me. An Xin had already expected that the Jun family would find her, but An Xin sighed for Jun Hua's words. My child bride-in-law.

An Xin was robbed just after returning from Beauty for You, and when she saw the guard appearing at her door again, An Xin said that this man was really annoying, "Princess Xianghua, my Patriarch, please go over, My Patriarch said, it’s okay if you don’t go, but Princess Xianghua don’t regret it.”

An Xin looked at the guard blocking the door, a dark tide flashed in her eyes, and the sneer in the other's eyes was obvious, "How do you plan to make me regret it? This princess seldom regrets, no matter Just then or this moment,"

An Xin's words were very cold, a bit scary, and when the guard heard An Xin's words, he said again, "My master said, although he doesn't know anything else, it's just that the fire in Wankou Town seems to be set by someone. Yes, although there is no way to make some people pay the price at this moment, it is not difficult to catch fire in the capital, after all, if the Patriarch hadn't suppressed it at the beginning, at this moment, Princess Xianghua, you are afraid..."

When An Xin heard this, before the other party could say anything, she turned around and kicked the guard, directly kicking the guard to the ground, and a murderous intent flashed in her eyes.

The high-ranking man despised the other party, his tone was indifferent and ruthless, "I tell you, if you dare, I don't suggest coming again, last time I could burn everything in Wankou Town, then at this moment I can even connect your manor Burn it together too, if you don't believe me, you can try it with me, my family business can withstand the toss, at worst, I will become a pauper, and I will start again, but your Jun family is sure you can do this with me?"

An Xin looked at the guard coldly and said that if she dared to threaten herself, she really thought she was a fool. If their Jun family dared to move, then she would destroy their Jun family. At worst, it would be a dead end. She wanted to see this gentleman Jia was reluctant to do it with himself.

The guard never expected that An Xin would be so arrogant, and the words he said were even more arrogant, and at this moment, his face was even more livid, and the huge footprints on his chest told him thoroughly that he was no match for that little girl , which annoyed the guard.

"Lead the way," but to the surprise of the guard, An Xin got into the carriage in the next second. When seeing this, the guard was slightly taken aback, wondering what kind of tricks An Xin was playing?
But at this moment, An Xin didn't pay attention to the other party at all. For himself, hiding was not the best choice after all. At this moment, the Jun family was pressing forward step by step. If he was hiding, it would make people look down on him.

Rather than dodging again and again, it's better to take advantage of the victory and pursue it. At this moment, she really wants to see what the hell the Jun family is going to do?Although the guard didn't know what An Xin was thinking?It's just that when he saw An Xin getting into the carriage, he was not stupid and hurried to the agreed place.

But at this moment, An Xin was just sitting quietly in the carriage. When the carriage was moving forward, she opened the curtain and looked around. The scenery around her was as usual.

Soon they came to the bank of a river, and when they reached the bank, the guards stopped the carriage, "My master is in the boat, please ask Princess Xianghua to come down,"

(End of this chapter)

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