Chapter 1475

On the second day, An Xin set off with Shuheng. When leaving, An Xin left a letter to Jun Hua, telling him that he had gone to Yuan City. At this moment, the bid for the southern woods is in Yuan City. .

And at this moment, Shuheng went alone, without Shujun, after all, both of them had left now, and there was no one in this bookstore to take charge of the overall situation, and at this moment, Yuancheng was not far from Xun County.

An Xin planned to go home after going to the source city, and ask this An family what happened more than ten years ago.Although An Youwei didn't want to see An Shi, An Xin knew that An Shi was An Youwei's pillow.

At this moment, no matter how much An Youwei concealed, it would be difficult to hide it from the person next to him, so An Xin planned to go to Huiping Village after going to Yuancheng with Shuheng, and take a look at the town by the way. The environment in the countryside.

At this moment, there were only An Xin and Shu Heng in the carriage, and at this moment, Uncle Li An Xin didn't bring him with him, but let the other party take charge of the overall situation for him in the capital. Although he could ask Jun Hua to help him, he just asked him for everything. There will be something bad in the end.

An Xin in the carriage, looked outside from time to time, the scenery outside was still the same, the summer heat made the carriage feel stuffy and panicked, when An Xin saw this, she really had the urge to suffer.

The next second the carriage stopped suddenly, and when Shuheng saw this, he heard a voice from outside the carriage, "There is a person in front of you, my lord."

When they heard this, the two said in unison, "Leave him alone, drive over." For the two of them, they were both impatient due to the hot weather, and now they heard someone blocking the way. Take care of it in your spare time.

"Master, he got into the carriage." In the next second, he saw a person getting into the carriage, and at this moment, An Xin and Shu Heng's eyes darkened, "Who are you?"

"Ah, why did you become a girl," the man said when he saw An Xin, "By the way, I'll hide for a bit, you smelly girl, I'm being chased and killed, meeting is fate, you can't see If you don't save me, let alone I was hunted down, it has nothing to do with you, "

Well, An Xin made this person crackle as soon as he came up, expressing that his brain could not keep up with the other party's line, and now when he saw the other party's ferocious appearance, he immediately sighed. It sounds familiar, and it's easy to say.

"Are you the person I met at the inn last time?" An Xin looked at the other party and said, at this moment the other party had already changed into a black suit, but put on a blue robe, and the whole person looked like a scholar It's a pity that it was completely exposed as soon as he spoke.

At this moment, that person's face looks very ordinary, but the temperament reveals a sense of elegance, and just now, when seeing the ordinary appearance, An Xin always feels a little weird, and it is very contrary Feel.

"Princess Xianghua, do you know this person?" Shu Heng looked at the other party and said, then turned his head to look at An Xin, and when An Xin heard it, he shook his head, "It's just a one-time relationship, it's not acquaintance. "

"How is it possible that we don't know each other? We have fought against each other before. By the way, that man last time? That man protected you very well. Is he your lover? But who is this man? Could it be that you eloped with him? Don't have that coffin face from last time," the man said at this moment, this sentence made An Xin's face on the side turn darker and darker.

"That eye of yours saw your aunt's elopement," An Xin gritted her teeth. The man was really outspoken, and what he said was really irritating, not to mention that even if she eloped, she had half a relationship with him.

(End of this chapter)

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