Chapter 1481

"Sure enough, your mouth is idle, so you just stuffed your mouth many times, and you are talking nonsense. I don't know if he will kill and bury me, but I know that you are the real one who wants to kill me and bury me. "She doesn't know if Shuheng has that idea, but she knows at this moment that Shuheng won't be that stupid.

Many people in the capital know clearly that she and Shuheng have been out of the city for a long time, but when they go back, they disappear for no reason, and it is not easy for Shuheng to explain, so she is not worried about her safety at this moment .

What's more, even if Shuheng had a different intention at this moment, she still had a way to get out, so she didn't pay much attention to Li Yunzi's words at the moment. Li Yunzi took An Xin's snack and started eating beside him.

However, he never said those words just now. Shu Heng at the side breathed a sigh of relief when he saw it, but he felt displeased with Li Yunzi. After all, he was cheated once by this guy. time.

So in the next journey, he chose to be a transparent person, and he didn't mess with Li Yunzi anymore. He saw that the other party had a tendency to hide, and now after they arrived in Yuancheng, Shuheng felt at ease. Came to a courtyard.

"This is the other courtyard of our calligrapher. We will live here first, and we will go there when the auction starts." At this moment, Shuheng brought An Xin to her room, and when An Xin saw this, he went to her room. nodded.

"By the way, how long is this auction going to be?" Then he turned his head and looked not far away, but at this moment Shuheng was stunned, and said, "About five days."

After hearing what Shuheng said, An Xin pondered for a while, and then said, "How long will it take to go back to Xun County?" At this moment, if it is not far away from Xun County, she plans to go back.

And when Shuheng heard it, he also understood An Xin's thoughts, so he said, "If you ride a horse, you can get there in half a day, if you take a carriage, it will take almost a day."

"Prepare the horse for me, I'll go back," he said, putting the burden on his shoulders, and when Shu Heng heard it, he was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded, "Would you like to take a break, and you can go on your way too It's been a day."

After all, it has already been more than ten days' journey from the capital to the present, and now the girl is going to leave again, and she doesn't know if her body can survive, so Shuheng couldn't help but said.

Regarding Shuheng's words, he shook his head with peace of mind and said, "No, it's about a day or so away from Pingcun Village. I should be able to arrive at night on my way. Prepare a horse for me. I'm going to go back. I'll be back the day after tomorrow." of."

Since she has time at this moment, she naturally wants to go home, not to mention that she doesn't want to procrastinate on the matter of An Youwei at this moment. She must go to Pingcun to figure out the whole thing, otherwise she will eventually have a thorn in her heart. prick.

And at this moment, when Shuheng saw this, he could only nod helplessly, and then asked his servants to prepare the horse for An Xin, but at this moment when An Xin was mounting the horse, he saw Li Yunzi, when Li Yunzi saw An Xin, Then he said lightly, "Where are you going?"

Just arrived and ran, is this girl so energetic, and when An Xin heard it, she came, "I'm planning to go home, you stay here, as long as you don't cause trouble, I believe Master Shuheng will not be embarrassing." Yours, if the injury is healed, it will be fine to leave on your own, "

After saying that, she rode away on horseback. At this moment, she would not take Li Yunzi home with her. After all, although Li Yunzi usually looks a bit silly, he is a killer after all. She doesn't want her family to get in touch with these people too much. A lot of things can be done by yourself.

But at this moment, after Li Yunzi heard it, he looked at the horse in the distance, and then sighed, "I was going to say, I should leave, but I didn't expect you, girl, to run faster than me."

He originally told An Xin that he was going to leave, but he didn't expect An Xin to go faster than him. When he saw the horse leaving in the dust, Li Yunzi shook his head with a chuckle. It can be seen that at this moment, it is nothing more than fear of following.

But he didn't care about this, at this moment it was considered good that he would let him follow her all the way down, it was naturally impossible to take him home at this moment, and at this moment when Shuheng heard the words that the plague god was about to leave.

I couldn't help being happy in my heart, so I hurriedly saw off the guests. It was a blessing for me that the god of plague had gone a step earlier. At this moment, after sending the two of them away, Shuheng told his servants to let them go. The servants havetened to investigate the matter in the southern forest.

Then I went down to inspect the shops under my banner, and after a busy day, Shuheng returned to the study, and Fei Ge passed the letter to his younger brother, telling him that he had arrived in the source city safely.

At this moment, An Xin on the other side set off to go home at noon, and it was already midnight when she arrived home. As soon as she entered the village, she heard dogs barking around. She who had been away for more than two months at this moment, When I returned to this flat village, I felt at home for a moment.

And at this moment, this Ping village is only for An Xin, it is a special existence, because I am here when I wake up, so at this moment, it is only for An Xin, it is a second home.

Others said that the golden nest and the silver nest are not as good as their own kennels. This sentence is really good, and she also thinks so at the moment. It is not as good outside as it is at home after all.

After An Xin got off the horse, he led the horse and walked towards the door of this house. After passing the gate, An Xin patted on the door. After knocking on the door for a long time, this person came to open the door. The person who opened the door When he saw this peace of mind, he was taken aback for a moment.

"Miss," and then hurriedly said to everyone in the room, "Miss is back, miss, come in quickly, this lady and madam miss you."

No one expected that An Xin would come back so suddenly. When they saw An Xin, they were very happy. After all, these people were bought by An Xin at the beginning, so they were very close to An Xin. All the servants of the An family are good. At this moment, these servants have a sense of belonging to An Xin's family, especially to An Xin, the little master.

(End of this chapter)

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