Chapter 1483

And at this moment, the little girl also rushed over, "It turns out that Brother Youcai and I are dreaming, um,,, I really want to be Sister An Xin, but the smell of Sister An Xin is just as good in the dream."

As he spoke, he rubbed against An Xin's body, "It stinks, a stinky smell," the next second he pouted and raised his head to look at An Xin, his small face was wrinkled, with a look of grievance on his face, "Sister An Xin It stinks,"

"You two silly children, you sister An Xin has been on the road for a day, so you naturally have a smell on your body, so hurry up and let go." Seeing that the two children were so close to An Xin, An Shi sighed.

If there was jealousy in the past, it will disappear without a trace at this moment. After experiencing many things, people will eventually learn to grow up, and this is the same for An Shi at this moment. She is very clear about her mistakes in the past.

But at this moment, when An Youcai heard An Shi's words, he blinked his eyes and looked at An Xin and said, "So my sister is real." Then she let go of her hand, her face flushed and she coughed a few times, "Cough Cough,,, I was agitated just now, sister, don't be offended, "

After hearing An Youcai's words, An Xin actually laughed, "It's no surprise." Looking at the pretentious An Youcai, An Xin felt that the child was really cute, so she held the hands of the two of them.

"Little Yaya is hungry, come and eat next to Sister An Xin," he said, hugging the little Yaya, and at this moment, An Youcai was also sitting next door. Seeing this, An Xin gave the two of them Made some porridge.

Because of the middle of the night, An Xin didn't dare to eat too greasy at the moment, so she asked the servants to cook mainly light meals, and now that the two children wanted to eat, she naturally wouldn't starve each other, after all, she had just grown up When the body is weak, it can't stand hunger.

"Little Yaya, tell Elder An Xin why you're hungry?" But it's a bad habit to eat irregularly, so An Xin looked at the little Yaya and said, after hearing An Xin's words, the little Yaya raised her head and looked up. Watch this for peace of mind.

"Sister, she ate candied haws in the afternoon, and she ate it when we weren't paying attention, so she didn't eat." All the children ate it secretly, and Xiao Yaya was no exception. At this moment, it was because she ate it secretly, that's why she didn't eat dinner .

Faced with this point, Anxin looked at the little girl, then rubbed her little head and said, "Little girl, do you know that if the baby doesn't eat obediently, he is a bad boy, so don't eat it secretly in the future." It’s sugar, and this sugar will make your teeth fall out one by one,”

An Xin looked at the little girl and said, under the little girl's ignorant gaze, she slowly talked to her, and when the little girl heard An Xin's words, she touched her hands and shook her head Said, "Little Yaya, don't lose your teeth, you won't be cute if you lose your teeth,"

The tone of the speech was so cute that An Xin nodded and said, "Yes, the little girl will not be cute if she loses her teeth. If she is not cute, no one will like it, so the little girl must not secretly eat it. Tang, I have to tell Sister Anqiao and Brother Youcai, "

An Xin pointed to An Youcai and talked to An Qiao, the little girl nodded obediently after hearing it, and at the moment An Youcai who was on the side looked at the troublemaker, because the little girl was favored by everyone , and now he is becoming more and more lively.

After all, the child is still young, so she can't remember many things so clearly, and at this moment, An Xin's family really dotes on her, treating her like a little princess, not to mention other people's own daughters, I'm afraid they are basically half of her.

"How is Youcai's academic performance?" After wiping the little girl's mouth, An Xin looked at An Youcai and said, An Youcai was studying in the college, and occasionally came home on vacation, but just happened to meet today An Youcai has a day off.

After hearing what his sister said, An Youcai talked about the school affairs aside, and after hearing that, An Xin also nodded and said, "Although grades are very important, don't be too tired if you are talented. You can play when you are playing, but you have to concentrate when you are in class,"

If children care too much, sometimes it will be counterproductive. Modern children seldom have freedom. They are cram schools all day long. They are really tired and panic for those babies. At this moment, An Xin doesn’t like this An Youcai. Tired, she doesn't lack anything, and she doesn't want to be the number one in the exam, so no matter what his grades are at this moment, she won't suggest him.

"Sister En, I know," An Youcai nodded and said, "I will definitely not disappoint my sister." Although my sister didn't expect him to be the champion, he hoped that he could save face for her sister.

An Qiao on the side nodded after hearing An Youcai's words, "It's good that you have a heart, but you have to listen to your heart, don't be naughty, I will be happy, big sister."

As for her younger brother, An Qiao, she likes her very much. He is well-behaved and sensible. Since he was a child, he has known that he loves himself as an older sister. At this moment, she also hopes that her younger brother can be good. At this moment, An Qiao doesn't ask for anything, but asks for the whole family to be okay. Peace and safety.

An Shi on the side also felt relieved when she saw that this was when the relationship between the sisters was so good. She used to be a fool to be jealous of her daughter. Now that she thinks about it, she feels a little annoyed. Fortunately, everything is over now. , the family is in harmony again.

After eating in peace of mind for a while, he wiped his lips for the little girl, then asked the servants to clean up the dishes, then looked at the little girl and said to An Youcai, "You guys just had dinner, sit down Let Chunyue take you to sleep, sister, I am going to take a bath, you have to be obedient, "

As he said that, he got up from the chair. At this moment, he had been running for a day, and he was already sweating profusely, and there was a swishing smell all over his body. No wonder the little girl despised him for being ugly just now, if it wasn't because he was so hungry.

She would choose to take a bath first, but at this moment Xiao Yaya and An Youcai nodded, and then sat obediently on that chair, while at this moment An Xin went upstairs, returned to her room, and took off her clothes Then into the bathtub.

To be honest, she has been on the road every day these days, her bones are almost brittle, and she is so tired that she panics. She has the urge to wake up after falling asleep. Under the soaking in hot water, her fatigue has increased a lot, and her whole body has no pain. So tired.

(End of this chapter)

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