Chapter 1496

After An Xin arrived in the capital, it was already ten days later. After An Xin arrived in the capital, she returned to Princess Xianghua's Mansion. When the butler saw An Xin coming back, he hurried out to greet her.

"Princess, you are back. The Ninth Prince has been here several times, but he has not seen you," the housekeeper arrived at this moment, "the ghost doctor also came once, and said that after you come back, the princess, he will come back." go to him,"

At this moment, An Xin is back, which makes the butler very happy. You know, it has been almost two months since An Xin disappeared. After returning now, he doesn't need to bear so much pressure to come to Xianghua one by one. Princess.

It's a pity that when Princess Xianghua left, others only knew that she went out with the calligrapher, but no one knew where she went, not to mention that his housekeeper was not worthy of his name.

Every time the princess Xianghua went out, he had received news from the princess Xianghua that time, and after An Xin heard the words of the housekeeper, he nodded and said, "The princess knows, you go down and tell the princess Prepare hot water, and send someone to report other things, just say that the princess is back, but you have to talk about it tomorrow if you want to visit, "

At this moment, she was exhausted, and she didn't have the heart to visit one by one, not to mention that the ghost doctor and the Ninth Prince were looking for her for those things. question.

So she was not in a hurry, and soon the housekeeper prepared bath water for An Xin. After washing up, An Xin changed her clothes, sat by the window sill and watched what happened in the capital today.

Because when An Xin left the capital, he asked the butler to leave a message for him about the movement in the capital, and then recorded it. Although someone had already reported it to him, but after seeing this more detailed report, An Xin endured He couldn't help frowning.

It seems that the capital city is even more chaotic than what I imagined. General Nangong's return made the whole layout of the capital more convenient, but Anxin took a look at General Nangong's expedition yesterday.

At this moment, General Nangong is going on an expedition, and he doesn't know when Qin Yihan will come back. I hope it won't be too long. After reading all the reports, An Xin found the report in his hand, then wiped her hair, and put it on. Put on your coat and go out.

When she came to the living room, she saw someone who surprised An Xin, "Princess Xianghua, you can keep me waiting," and the person who came at this moment was the Ninth Prince.

A few days ago, the Ninth Prince left the palace and set up a mansion, but he didn't expect An Xin to slip away. He came several times without bumping into An Xin, and the Ninth Prince couldn't help complaining.

After hearing what the Ninth Prince said, An Xin waved to the servant, "How dare you make the Ninth Prince wait, I'm not going to visit the Ninth Prince as soon as I come back,"

In the end, An Xin changed the Ninth Prince to the Ninth Prince. After all, the Ninth Prince is now an adult and has his own mansion. Now he is the Ninth Prince. After hearing An Xin's words, the Ninth Prince sat aside and smiled.

"You girl can still talk, I came to you today just for some things, but I don't need it now," Ninth Prince sat aside and said, and when An Xin heard it, he looked at it blankly. This Nine Princes.

At this moment, you are so eager to find yourself, why don't you need it all of a sudden?It really made An Xin feel a little weird, and at this moment the Ninth Prince also saw An Xin's embarrassment, and said, "Xiao Yu'er went last night, I planned to find you to show her."

When she heard this, An Xin also understood that the Ninth Prince was with her because of this little Yu'er, but she didn't know what was wrong?This man is going to die.

(End of this chapter)

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