Chapter 1525

But at this moment, Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Liu had been having more and more troubles, the ghost doctor had disappeared without a trace, and in the past three years, Nangong Yuan had finally become a regular visitor of An Xin.

"I said girl, you are so old, why don't you hurry up and find someone to marry," Nangong Yuan looked at An Xin and said, An Xin stood more and more graceful in the past three years, especially with her lazy temperament, she looked luxurious endlessly.

But at this moment when Nangong Yuan saw this, he immediately had the urge to itch, looked at An Xin and said, and when An Xin heard it, he picked up his teacup and looked at the other party, "Miss Nangong, you are the one who is four years older than me." You are all alone, how could I, a little sister, marry another, "

An Xin smiled very happily, but at this moment, Nangong Yuan immediately showed signs of anger when she heard it. An Xin was already 15 years old, and she was considered a big girl in ancient times, but now she is only a junior high school student in modern times.

At this moment, Nangong Yuan is 19 years old. If it is a small flower that has just emerged in modern times, it is a pity that she is a big girl and an old girl at this moment. Yuan's elder sister also married the prince.

In the past three years, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince had a fierce quarrel with Qi Ye, and no one benefited from it. Qi Ye was already famous because of his peace of mind, and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is not weak at this moment.

But it doesn't matter to these peace of mind, and the one who has changed the most at this moment is probably the Ninth Prince. After the Ninth Prince just came of age last year, the Emperor Xia was anxious to find a wife for him. No woman dares to marry anymore.

Because what he said was, "The woman that this king wants to marry must give birth to a son for this king in the first place, otherwise don't let this king come and meddle in it." The first child is guaranteed to have a son.

But now that the woman is married, it means that she is sure to give birth to a son for the first time. If she gives birth to a daughter in the future, it will be a crime of deceiving the emperor. So with this name, naturally no girl would dare to come to her door.

"An Xin, when will your lover come back?" Nangong Yuan looked at An Xin and said, don't bother with this stinky girl, and quickly throw her out so that no one will miss him. At this moment, Nangong Yuan has decided that this gentleman It was An Xin's fault that Hua didn't marry herself.

"Isn't my lover always in the capital?" An Xin looked at Nangong Yuandao, blinked her eyes to show her innocence, but at this moment, Nangong Yuan's face turned blue from anger, and she had the urge to strangle An Xin to death.

"I'm not joking with you. Isn't your lover that Qin Yihan? Where is he in the capital?" At this moment, Nangong Yuan has been with An Xin for a long time, and some things about An Xin are clear. After hearing An Xin's words at this moment, he immediately became confused. said angrily.

After An Xin heard Nangong Yuan's words, she was taken aback for a moment, her eyes darkened, and she quickly said, "This matter has nothing to do with you. If Miss Nangong is fine, please come back."

Seeing that An Xin had cooled down for a moment, Nangong Yuan didn't dare to speak anymore. In fact, she and An Xin had a complicated relationship. They said they were friends but they didn't look like friends. They just said they weren't friends, but they were as close as friends.

Seeing this reassuring look at this moment, Nangong Yuan sighed, "I'm sorry, I was wrong." She had heard about Qin Yihan, but she didn't know why a year ago?Suddenly disappeared without a trace.

During that time, when she came to An Xin, although An Xin didn't change anything on the surface, but her actions and expression did not show a daze, that absent-minded appearance made Nangong Yuan slightly stunned, thinking of what she mentioned again At that time, I immediately had the urge to slap myself.

"I'm fine, I just want to know where this man is hiding, or I'll just find a man and marry him," An Xin said at this moment, and then looked at Nangong Yuandao, "Master Junhua doesn't know if it's okay it is good?"

"No, girl, if you want to marry anyone, you can't ask for Junhua. If you dare to ask for Junhua, I will fight with you," Nangong Yuan said angrily at this moment, this girl would really put herself in a trap.

Although she knew that An Xin was joking, Nangong Yuan still couldn't help feeling uneasy at this moment. When she looked at An Xin, her eyes were obviously vigilant.

"An Xin, you can't be real, right? Don't scare me," Nangong Yuan held An Xin's hand at this moment, "Don't grab Junhua from me, okay? I won't joke with you anymore,"

Afraid that An Xin would snatch Junhua from him in order to get angry with him, so he hugged An Xin quickly, and now that An Xin saw Nangong Yuan's appearance, he shook his head with a light smile.

She doesn't dislike this Nangong Yuan, on the contrary she likes it a little bit, at least at the moment this Nangong Yuan is a straightforward person, she speaks clearly about everything, and never trips her up behind her back.

"Don't worry, I told you that Junhua and I are innocent. Miss Nangong, you have to figure out that men are not something you can just grab. Instead of attacking other women, you might as well focus on men." In your body, a man's heart is the key. If a man loves you at this moment, even if there are thousands of women around him, he will choose you. If a man doesn't love you, even if you offend hundreds of women, he won't care. Miss Nangong, a woman should love herself and dare to love, but she can't give up everything for love. You love Junhua, just ask your own heart, has your love hurt your family? If Miss Nangong really can't get it, then let it go,"

This Nangongyuan and Junhua have been arguing for so long, how many years can this woman have to wait at this moment, she has no more time to wait, Junhua is her friend, she is not easy to match, and at this moment Nangongyuan herself She also likes it, so she hopes that Nangong Yuan can understand it by herself.

"Then An Xin, is love or family affection more important in your mind? Will you give up love for family affection? Will you give up family affection for love?" Nangong Yuan looked at An Xin and said after hearing An Xin's words.

At this moment, there was a hint of firmness in those eyes, she knew that her persistence made her family worry, but even so, she still didn't want to give up Junhua, it was her childhood love, how could she just give up as soon as she said it.

(End of this chapter)

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