Chapter 1536

After An Xin settled the matter of An Youwei, she planned to leave the capital. When she went to ask Emperor Xia for favor, she never expected that Emperor Xia would say something else.

Because An Xin is the princess, if the princess wants to leave the capital for a long time, she must report to the police after all, and at this moment, An Xin plans to leave for a long time.

An Xin was kneeling on the ground, staring at the cold eyes above, "Xiang Hua asked you, which of my children is the most suitable for this world?"

"Your Majesty, you are joking. How dare the courtiers assert this matter?" After hearing this, An Xin waited for death and was so depressed that she didn't dare to look at Emperor Xia. The old fox asked himself what he was doing for no reason?
"Don't you dare? Princess Xianghua, why don't you dare? You instigated my two children to play, but now you still dare to say no," the next second the book fell on An Xin, and An Xin frowned. Endure the pain all over.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me," An Xin kowtowed directly, knowing in her heart that the old fox probably knew about those things. After all, Emperor Xia is the emperor, so it is impossible not to know what his son's subordinates did.

And at this moment, when Emperor Xia looked at An Xin, his eyes became inexplicable, and then looked at An Xin, "I'm asking you, what do you think of my child?"

"Back to the emperor, I don't know which aspect you are asking about?" An Xin also knew that the old fox was going to fight her, so she raised her head and looked at him directly, without even trying to escape.

"What's the difference?" Emperor Xia looked at her and said with peace of mind. He really likes this woman. If it's a good man, it's just a pity that she was born as a daughter. After all, many things can't be done, but she did. .

It's just that this excellence reveals a bit of weirdness, but it's undeniable that he has a bit of love for An Xin, "Naturally there is a difference. From the perspective of a woman and a man, they are very different. It’s different from the king’s point of view, and the same is true of the people.”

And at this moment, An Xin said, when Emperor Xia saw this, he gave a compliment, and then looked at An Xin, "Then tell me the difference between these angles."

"If you look at it from a woman's point of view, please forgive the crime of disrespect." At this moment, An Xin knelt on the ground and said, and when the Emperor Xia heard it, he nodded, "Okay, no matter what you say, I can forgive you. "

After hearing what Emperor Xia said, An Xin breathed a sigh of relief and raised her head to look at Emperor Xia, "As a woman, I don't think the imperial family is a good family." The next second the cup was thrown over again, but An Xin didn't stop talking.

"Whether the royal family is a prince or prince, which one is not a woman, especially in this huge harem, it is even more common to see newcomers laughing but not old ones crying, so as a woman, I am not optimistic about this high-quality stock," at the moment This An Xin said, no matter what the Emperor Xia's purpose is, she will stop thinking about it.

"If it's a man's gaze, it's naturally envious, while the people are in awe, and the king is looking sideways. What about the current prince? It all depends on you, the emperor. If the king says it's good, it's good. If the king says it's bad, it's bad. "It's not impossible to call a deer a horse. Under the drive of power, even if you call the one who kills your father and enemy your father.

At this moment, Emperor Xia knocked on the seat after hearing it, and when he looked at An Xin, his eyes didn't know when there was something more, as if he was thinking in a low voice, he had heard it a long, long time ago This word.

"You guys are all the same. You only hear the new ones laughing but not the old ones crying. My mother and concubine died in this cage. I won't go," Xia Huang sighed when he thought of the woman's stern voice. tone.

"Maybe you are really her disciple, even with such a stubborn temper," Xia Huang's voice was very low, Xiaodao An Xin didn't hear clearly, but he looked at Xia Huang strangely.

(End of this chapter)

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