Chapter 1548

"You stinky girl, don't lie to me, I don't know anything," the old village chief said at the moment, and when he looked at An Xin, he smiled, "But girl, you are too old, you should take care of yourself." heart, "

At this moment, it is no different than a few years ago. A few years ago, it doesn't matter if she was young and showed her face, but now she is a big girl, "You are a big girl now, Miss An, and you have to think about many things. After all, it is not good to always show your face,"

He thought of An Xin as his daughter, that's why he said something to An Xin. Hearing what the old village chief said, An Xin nodded lightly and said, "Grandpa, village chief, don't worry, I'll get over it when I get old. will gradually let go.”

After all, the ancient times are not as good as the modern ones. When An You is talented, he will take over if he has some, and it doesn't matter if he doesn't have the heart. Anyway, the nearest shops are gradually getting started, and many places don't need to be too much involved.

The old village head nodded when he heard it, and said goodbye to the old village head. When he returned to his home, he asked An Qiao to find some well diggers for him, and when he found them, he started to dig wells with peace of mind.

On the way, I went to the mansion of the magistrate of the county. The magistrate of the county is still in the county. He originally planned to be transferred, but the old man didn't like to run away, so he spent money to bribe others, and then got mixed up in the county.

Faced with this point, An Xin was a little funny, when the county magistrate saw An Xin, he quickly received An Xin, "Princess Xianghua, you are here, I thought you girl forgot about me,"

At this moment, the county magistrate said, there is a saying that is right, he is broad and fat. At this moment, the county magistrate is wide and fat. Compared with when we first met, the county magistrate is a little stronger at this moment.

"Where, didn't you come here as soon as you came back," An Xin smiled when she heard what the county magistrate said. Regarding the county magistrate, she didn't think that the other party was finding fault. After all, he was just joking with her at the moment.

"By the way, the Jun family has been in a state of distress recently," the county magistrate said at the moment, it was easier for him to get the news of the Jun family than An Xin, and when An Xin heard it, he looked at the county magistrate.

"I don't know what's going on? Something happened to the Jun family, and it's almost going to close down now. The eldest lady of the Jun family is crazy at the moment, the son-in-law who came to the door ran away, and at this moment, the concubine of the young master of the Jun family also ran away. Only then did I realize that the Jun family was tricked by these two," said the county magistrate at this moment.

The young master of the Jun family, Jun Qingyan, married a prostitute as a concubine, but he didn't expect to be put together by the concubine in the end, and at this moment, the young lady of the Jun family, Jun Jiaoyan, got a son-in-law at the top. The family's property was stolen, and they also ran away.

"Oh," An Xin nodded after hearing that, she knew that Xiao Yanran would run away a long time ago, and now that something happened to Xun Ran, An Xin was not surprised, she married Jun Jiaoyan just for revenge, and at this moment the big revenge He will naturally run away after reporting.

"But at this moment, the Patriarch of the Jun family is also so angry that he is on the bed. The Jun family should be accepted soon," the county magistrate said at the moment. He is very clear about An Xin. familiar, so naturally these things will not be excluded at this moment.

Seeing An Xin's appearance, the magistrate of the county became more aware that the Jun family might also have her handiwork. After hearing this, An Xin smiled and said, "It's a matter of time, but at this moment let Jun Hua The young master has taken over, and it is not a disgrace to the ancestors, "

This is a very thorny thing to say, after all, the Jun family was ruined by Junhua at this moment, and it is being taken over by the other party at the moment, so how can it not humiliate the ancestors, but at the moment it is on the other side.

(End of this chapter)

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