Chapter 1551

"The first time I saw her was ten years ago when she was like Little Red Pepper. She took me home and saved me when I was most desperate, but the hatred in my heart made me lose everything. I ran away desperately, and when I came back, I met her again. I really planned to have a good time with her, and I really planned to give up everything, "

At this moment, Xun Ran said with a hoarse voice that was so sad, "It's just that the Jun family won't let me go. They won't let me go after all. Why do they still appear in front of me? I'm clearly planning to give up everything. Appear in front of me?"

When he met Shi Yueran for the second time, he planned to give up everything to be with her, but Jun Jiaoyan finally found her, her arrogant appearance and haughty posture made him feel angry when he recalled everything.

Recalling everything back then, when the family was broken and people were sleeping on the street, "I couldn't forget that scene, so I ran away, weakly," he couldn't forget the hatred that drove him out every night in his dreams at midnight.

The tragedy of his family made it difficult for him to sleep, so the anger in his heart was ignited again, and he left and betrayed, only to return to a pile of loess. He thought that when he came back, she would stand by his side as always.

It turns out that there are many things that are missed and missed, and the opportunity is given twice and it is impossible to come again and again, "I'm sorry Yue Ran, I really..." It's just that it's hard for him not to take revenge.

The lover on the side and the family on the side let him choose, when An Xin saw this scene, he sighed, "You are gone, Xiao Bugui will become an orphan, maybe you are sorry for Shi Yueran, but I believe she also hopes that you can take good care of Xiaobuhui, "

It's also sad for this man, if it wasn't for the child, she wouldn't make a move at this moment, because she didn't want the child to lose his mother, and now even his father would be lost.

Maybe there are too many things in the world that are helpless, and you will eventually be in a dilemma when you are hanging, and this is the case at this moment, he chose this revenge, and he will naturally lose this poem. have to.

"I have a child?" Xun Ran raised his head to look at An Xin and said, "My child with Yue Ran?" Then he looked at the poem Yue Ran, laughing like that was uglier than crying.

"Yes, you have a daughter who is almost four years old this year. If you don't look for her, she will never know you as a father in the future." An Xin nodded and said, Xiao Buhui is almost four years old .

She saw that little appearance and liked it. She went to see it and tried to find a way. Dr. Li's family can take good care of each other, but it is a little different after all. After all, Dr. Li also has his own family to support at this moment.

After hearing An Xin's words, Xun Ran looked at An Xin and said, "Princess Xianghua, I want to accompany her. Don't worry, I won't do stupid things. I just want to sit and accompany her well,"

As he said that, he looked at Shi Yueran's tombstone tenderly, and An Xin nodded after seeing that, then turned and left. If he was doing something stupid at this moment, he would not try to dissuade him.

After all, if a person is going to die, she saves it once and saves it twice, but it can't save the other person's life after all. After all, she is not someone of the other party, and it is impossible to be with the other party for the rest of her life.

At this moment, Xunran sat in front of the tombstone and looked at the tombstone, "Yueran, I'm here to accompany you. How long has it been since I sat here and talked with you?"

As he said that, he leaned against the tombstone, feeling a touch of warmth on his body, as if the woman had really appeared, looked back at An Xin, and finally left. In fact, there are many things that are missed before they know how to cherish them.

I don't know when Han will come back?At this moment, she misses Qin Yihan very much, really misses Qin Yihan very much, she doesn't know when Qin Yihan will come back, but after looking not far away, she finally goes home.

Shi Yueran's tomb is on the hillside behind Ping Village. An Xin saw An Qiao after returning home. After seeing An Xin came back, An Qiao looked at An Xin, "Is this person Xin'er coming back?" gone?"

I heard that An Xin took a person to the mountainside to see Shi Yueran, so at this moment, An Qiao couldn't help asking, what should An Qiao say about Shi Yueran?In fact, they are all just women who are flying moths to the flame.

Hurting for love and dying for love, it is a relief that the man is back at this moment, An Xin nodded when she heard it, and then hugged An Ke in her arms, "Sister, I will take you to see him tomorrow, sister, I don't want you I will also regret it in the future, I hope my sister can live happily, not like Shi Yueran and the others, if you miss it, you will miss it, regretting and hurting, after all, it can’t change everything, so if my sister really likes it, don’t do it for that one day. Take a little breath and let it go, the impermanence of the world should be grasped, "

At this moment, An Qiao nodded when he heard it, "Xin'er, don't worry, I won't. In fact, compared with her, I am considered happy. I have a child and I am back now. Although it is a bit late, I am by my side." ,"

Although I don't have martial arts, but I can feel that person is by my side. Compared with that Shi Yueran, I am much happier. At this moment, An Ke dawdled in An Xin's arms for a few times.

"Auntie, take me to play. Mother won't take me to play. Auntie is the best." When An Xin said to take An Qiao out, An Keke had no intention of being left behind, so she said coquettishly to An Xin .

Hearing the rough words, An Xin smiled and rubbed the other person's hair, "Kiss my aunt and I will take you to play, saying that my aunt is the best,"

As he spoke, he pointed to his own cheek. At this moment, Anke nodded, and then kissed, "Auntie is the best, Auntie, I like you the most,"

"You brat liked your mother the most just now, now you don't want your mother if you have fun," An Qiao on the side laughed and said angrily after hearing that, it's not the best mother if you have fun.

"It's not mother," Anke muttered at this moment, "My aunt is the best, but my favorite is still mother, and my favorite is my aunt," said Anke at this moment. An Qiao smiled, is there any difference between favorite and favorite?
(End of this chapter)

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