Chapter 1560

An Xin went to find Li Yuanwai that day, and Li Yuanwai's family was living a comfortable life at the moment. After all, it was a day of good food and drink, although it was a bit hot outside, but they were also living happily.

Faced with An Xin's visit, the other party was somewhat surprised, but he quickly walked up to him. When he saw the fat headed and big-eared Li Yuanwai, An Xin still had a visual impact and looked at the other party.

"Princess Xianghua came to see me when she was free. Is there something wrong?" Recently, it was very chaotic outside, so when Li Yuanwai saw An Xin, he was also curious, and An Xin looked at Li Yuanwai.

Then he sat beside him, and said to Li Yuanwai, "I came to you today, mainly because I want you to cooperate with me. I'm giving alms, but I'm just doing it alone. After all, it's too popular, so I plan to ask you to help too."

At this moment, An Xin didn't say much to Li Yuanwai. After hearing An Xin's words, Li Yuanwai opened his mouth to look at An Xin, and quickly said, "I can help with this matter, but the food is limited, I'm afraid Not too much, "

Regarding the reassuring words, a glint flashed in Li Yuanwai's eyes, and calculations were also involved, "You and I don't want to be polite, how can you help me?"

"Princess Xianghua said so, so I will naturally be happy to help. In the future, Princess Xianghua will say a few more good words for me in front of the second and eldest masters of this book," at this moment Li Yuanwai looked at An Xin road.

"Of course you have to give some of this food. After all, I have a large group of people to feed. If I don't give it away, I won't be able to do it." He did have a large group of people to feed, and he didn't know how long this drought would last.

At this moment, if I take out all my food, it seems that there will be something wrong. Hearing what Li Yuanwai said, Anxin naturally knows what he thinks right.

I have a lot of food. At this moment, I have planted a lot of millet and other kinds of food in this space, so even if I take it out at this moment, there will be no loss. What's more, when I went to buy rice last time, I It looks cheap.

But at this moment, Li Yuanwai saw that An Xin agreed, so he stayed with An Xin to eat, "Princess Xianghua, you have been here for a few years, and you have really changed into a female college student, and you are getting more and more slim."

In fact, Yuanwai Li really wanted to say, how long ago did you first meet this little girl?About three years ago or four years ago, I grabbed this An Qiao to be my concubine. This peace of mind is buy one get one free.

At that time, this girl was holding a knife in her hand, and appeared in front of them viciously, looking at them, it was extremely twisted, even if I think about it now, I still have lingering fear.

"I offended Princess Xianghua at the beginning," Li Yuanwai said while holding a glass of wine, "But this is not an acquaintance, if there is no offense at the beginning, I am afraid there is no way to make friends with Princess Xianghua at this moment ,"

At this moment, Li Yuan said casually, looked at An Xin's expression, and when An Xin heard it, he picked up the wine and looked at the other party, "It's true that we don't know each other, if it wasn't for that time, maybe many things would not have happened. But in the end, I would like to thank Li Yuanwai for his assistance over the years, and the little girl should do it first and respect her."

What should I say about Yuanwai Li?She is not very annoying. Although the two broke up unhappy for the first time, it is just that there is no absolute enemy in the world. Last time he was the buyer, and she was the seller. There will be so many things.

What's more, as far as An Xin is concerned, there is no permanent enemy in the world, and at this moment, Li Yuanwai also smiled and said, "Come and drink, I have found someone to prepare the porridge shed early in the morning, don't worry about it I will do well,"

(End of this chapter)

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