pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1568 The Grand Finale

Chapter 1568 The Grand Finale (7)
There is an origin in this space. At this moment, the space disappears, and everything about her seems to have shrunk in an instant, which is why she is so weak. It is just because of the power of faith that she has become better and better in an instant.

Seeing this, An Xin hurriedly comforted Qin Yihan. After Qin Yihan heard the reconciliation, he let go of An Xin's hand, "We will get married right away, and I don't worry if we don't get married."

He wants to take this woman immediately, so as not to cause any trouble. Hearing Qin Yihan's words, he smiled with peace of mind and said, "Okay, I'll marry." After too many things, she is now home.

"Xin'er, you're awake, I just said that the Bodhisattva will bless Xin'er." At this moment, An Qiao and his party also came back, but when they walked in, they felt a little strange, and suddenly found that An Xin was a little weird.

Don't know what to say?It's as if the whole person is covered by something, making people look very mysterious, but they can't help admiring, and the awe emerges from their hearts.

"Let my sister rest assured, I'm sorry, my health is much better, what's going on with you?" An Xin looked at An Qiao and said, and after hearing this, An Xin told An Xin what happened.

After hearing this, An Xin was stunned. She didn't expect the river in the space to come out. The next second, she saw the butterfly imprint in her hand. After touching it, she was slightly taken aback. Is this space?

It is my own space, but there is no way to enter it, and although the spiritual spring in this space is there at the moment, it seems that there is no such spiritual energy as in the past. It should not appear this spiritual spring anymore. If you use it, it will be less a little.

Faced with this point, although she was a little disappointed, she didn't think too much about it. At this moment, An Xin nodded her head to An Qiao's words. The time passed quickly and half a month passed.

Qin Yihan came to give the betrothal gift, the real betrothal gift of ten cars shocked the friends, when they saw Qin Yihan, everyone's first thought was that the real person didn't show his face, Qin Yihan also stayed in Pingcun.

After the betrothal gift was given, the wedding date was set at the beginning of August. After learning that Qin Yihan and An Xin were getting married, many people came to congratulate her, even Qi Ye and his party in the capital also sent congratulatory gifts.

At the beginning of August, everyone came to attend the wedding. Seeing the congratulations from the surrounding people, Qin Yihan led An Xin into the hall step by step. officiated the wedding.

Emperor Xia was originally very depressed, but he felt pity for his younger sister, so he didn't bother these two people, so he said that these two people had ghosts, no wonder they said so alike.

At this moment, Qin Yihan and An Xin's refusal of her words are exactly the same, especially what An Xin said at the beginning, which was high-sounding and married in a blink of an eye, which made countless people angry.

Nothing is more concerned about Nangong Yuan. The corners of Nangong Yuan's eyes narrowed when she smiled. Now that An Xin is married, it is the best existence for her, because no one can come and grab this king from her at this moment. gorgeous.

Looking at the girl with red makeup, Jun Hua's thoughts were a little complicated. The girl he met for the first time had already turned out to be a girl at this moment. Faced with this, Jun Hua felt lost, there was some joy and some sadness.

At this moment, Qin Yihan was happily pinching the bride, and then went to worship the heaven and the earth. During the worship, he was always very excited, but in the next second, he said, "The imperial decree is coming to General Qin to receive the decree."

"Wait for me to kowtow for the last time before talking," Qin Yihan gritted his teeth, then ignored everyone and dragged An Xin to kowtow, but at this moment the eunuch was not in a hurry, so he took a leisurely look at the other party.

(End of this chapter)

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