pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 1576 Follow-up episode

Chapter 1576 Follow-up episode (3)
"Sister An Xin, I don't blame you, because I know that it's not your fault. If you want to blame, blame those who killed my parents. Sister An Xin is implicated because of you, but I still want to thank Sister An Xin, because An Xin Sister, you really love me," she complained at first, but every time she thinks about it, she vividly remembers everything.

It's all accompanied by Sister An Xin, there may be mistakes, but why is she wrong, after all, it was a matter of necessity, not to mention that she can't remember what her parents looked like after all these years, the only thing she remembers is that this is her home.

"Hey, I won't say anything about you and talented people? Go if you like it. What happened back then has nothing to do with him. If you like it, just say it. Sister An Xin really hopes you can be happy,"

"Bodhisattva, what do you think I should do?" She liked An Youcai, and she liked him very much since she was a child, but that man never understood his own heart from the beginning to the end, and treated all women with such a gentle smile and elegance.

It was as if she was nothing special in front of him, and she didn't know what to do with herself? "What's wrong with Auntie Qin Meng?" At this moment, Li Ruru walked down the road.

"I don't know, probably yesterday, the day before yesterday, when this little uncle was talking to that young lady, this auntie saw it, and that's why he was sad," said Qin Hooligan at this moment.

"Then do we want to help?" At this moment, Li Ruru looked at Qin Mang, who pursed his lips, then looked not far away, and then turned his head to look at the approaching man.

"Seriously, do you believe that Auntie Yaya is a little aunt?" Qin Meng looked at the two people and said, the two brats nodded after hearing this, looked at Qin Meng, expressing their pleasure.

There is a saying that is good, three brats play a play, and at this moment these three brats are a play, and then relying on all of this, they chattered endlessly, and at this moment when Encore heard it, he subconsciously shook Shake your head.

"Will this be too bad? What's more, this little uncle is not weak, we are not sure to take him down," An Ke said at this moment, his cousin's words are very cheating, and he is still cheating. .

No wonder the father said that the aunt is the snake or the fox, and the little cousin is also doing the same at this moment, thinking of tricks is terribly hurt, "Don't be afraid, grandma calls me a magic weapon, I promise you will be forest."

Although An Xin ran away with Qin Yihan, but this ghost doctor stayed in Wangchuan Village, and he often called this Qin gangster kung fu, and the poison was getting smoother and smoother. If it wasn't for this baby's mental arithmetic, he would suffer There must be many people.

What's more, there is one more thing, that is, even if the baby's heart is not bad, it's just enough to make a fuss. Once the poison comes out, there are a lot of itching powder, hot powder, etc. Anyway, the tricky thing has never been broken. .

"Brother, you are awesome," Anke hesitated, and the bear kid on the side had already said that when facing his sister, he was more grateful for adoring himself than this Qin gangster, and Anke was annoyed.

"Fool, you hit him Sanyue, even if you call him, you should call him sister," Anke said casually at this moment, Li Ruru curled her lips when she heard it, what's so good about being an older sister?

I have to give my younger brother everything to eat and drink, so she doesn't want to be an older sister. At this moment, Qin Meng stretched out his hand to touch the other's hair, "My sister is so good, my brother has pocket money, and I will buy you candied haws later." Then Looking at Enke, Enke had the illusion of not loving these two, looked at the two, and then said, "How are you going to get the little uncle out? Don't forget, the little uncle is not a fool. Kung fu, I can't get in, you two don't even think about it, "

(End of this chapter)

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