pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 161 She Is My Destiny's Choice

Chapter 161 She Is My Destiny's Choice (8)
It's just that the person at this moment is related to An Xin, Qin Yihan has to be cautious when he lets go of things related to An Xin, after all, he is very clear about the ghost doctor's methods and the methods of manipulating people.

"Ha,,, you promise, you promise to be used for farts, my mother wants you to promise, Qin Yihan, you are trying to piss me off," upon hearing Qin Yihan's words, the ghost doctor laughed angrily.

This level of protection is too much, she never said what it is?The silly boy jumped out immediately, which really made her feel so happy.

At this moment, she really wants to meet that girl, and see how she deserves to be so loved and loved by her apprentice?
"Okay, I won't tell you anything else. Anyway, the old woman won't let her do anything unreasonable. The most is to let her grow up to be your daughter-in-law. Hmph, it's impossible for an old woman. After saving someone, But give it to others for nothing, this kind of loss-making business, when did you see my old woman do it?"

When he saw Qin Yihan's face as if he was facing an enemy, the ghost doctor was not in the mood to go around in circles with Qin Yihan. Instead, he said that she could save him, but after saving him, he would become his stupid apprentice daughter-in-law.

If she saved someone, she would lose a lot of money when that little girl grew up and ran away. She wouldn't be so stupid as to do such a loss-making business.

At this moment, the ghost doctor just said that if you want to survive, you have to be saved by your own family members. If it’s not all talk, hmph, my stupid apprentice has paid so much, if someone runs away, it’s not my stupid apprentice who will be sad .

"Master An Xin is my younger sister, and my apprentice has always regarded An Xin as my younger sister, so master, don't talk nonsense," Qin Yihan said quickly when he heard the ghost doctor's words, afraid that the ghost doctor might misunderstand something?
It's just that when the ghost doctor heard Qin Yihan's words, there was sarcasm in his eyes, "Hehe,,, sister Han'er? Do you really think I'm a fool, will my sister let people let go of everything? Hmph, I don't care anyway, If you love your sister or not, she can only be your daughter-in-law in this life, if you don't want her, don't ask me to save her, but if it's not your own sister's sister, then she's a love sister, "

For Qin Yihan's words, the ghost doctor looked down upon him very much. This useless stinky boy has done this for your girl, and he can still tell that he is his sister.

Pooh, I really think that this old woman is blind, she can't see it, no, even a blind man can see it now, this Qin Yihan likes peace of mind, and it's not just a general liking.

"Okay, apprentice promises you," Qin Yihan gritted his teeth when he heard the ghost doctor's words. At this moment, he can only promise his master first, and explain to the careful girl after the matter is over.

Seeing Qin Yihan reluctantly agreeing, the ghost doctor immediately wanted to hit someone. This brat is not cheap and is acting like a good boy. He is obviously very happy, but he just pretends to be reluctant.

"Then when are you going to save her, Master?" Qin Yihan said cautiously after hearing that he agreed to the ghost doctor. After all, An Xin is in critical condition at this moment. If she doesn't go back for treatment sooner, she might really die.

"Look at that brat, he's so impatient right now, but just now he acted reluctantly, saying that you don't like her, even a blind person wouldn't believe it." Seeing Qin Yihan's appearance, the ghost doctor became annoyed road.

And when Qin Yihan heard the ghost doctor's words, his face turned red immediately, and he didn't know whether the ghost doctor was thinking or was angry, but when he saw the suspicious blush, it must have been thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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