pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 174 The fate of Aunt Qiao

Chapter 174 The fate of Aunt Qiao (4)
"But girl, that man is too dangerous, you'd better get out early in the future," and the ghost doctor murmured the last sentence in a low voice, and the voice could only be heard with peace of mind.

"Don't worry, Junhua and I are only interested. He has nothing to do with me. If he is dangerous to me again, or even brings danger to me, I will retreat," An Xin heard. When the ghost doctor spoke, he nodded.

In fact, cooperating with Junhua is just an expedient measure. After all, it is difficult for her to stand firm without a backer at the moment. Of course, if this backer threatens her, she will give up without hesitation.

After all, she and Junhua are only dealing with each other in terms of interests, there is no need to cause trouble for Junhua, but before those things happened, she and Junhua were still good partners, and doing business is of course beneficial but not in harmony. Profit is scattered.

"How did you know?" Upon hearing the ghost doctor's words, Aunt Qiao looked at the ghost doctor in horror. No one knew this secret, so how did the person in front of her know?
In fact, just as the ghost doctor thought, Aunt Qiao is indeed an inner ghost planted beside Junhua, and Junhua may have already noticed this.

"But girl, this woman is a trouble. How do you plan to deal with it? Now that you know her secret, it may be impossible to keep her alive," the ghost doctor said while looking at Aunt Qiao on the ground.

Regarding Aunt Qiao's words, neither the ghost doctor nor An Xin paid any attention to them, but continued to speak to themselves, and when Aunt Qiao heard what the ghost doctor said, panic flashed across her face.

And when An Xin heard the ghost doctor's words, she smiled, "Cut the grass without removing the roots, and the spring breeze will regenerate, I still know this, but killing her with one knife is too cheap for her. There should be many men who would like it. Didn't she once say that she would sell me to be the most despicable prostitute? I will let her try it out. What is a red lip that can be tasted by thousands of people, lying on a man's bed every night, And let the most disgusting man sleep, "

She has never been a virgin, nor is she a fool who still laughs happily after being bitten by a bun. If people do not offend me, I will not offend others.

An Xin looked at Aunt Qiao's eyes with a bit of wickedness, and Yoyo's eyes shone with a bloodthirsty fierce light, which made Aunt Qiao shudder all over her body.

"But at this time, you have to be on guard first," said An Xin, and took out a dagger in her hand, then walked up to Aunt Qiao, and under Aunt Qiao's horrified gaze, she cut off Aunt Qiao's tongue .

"Sometimes biting your tongue and killing yourself is too disappointing," Aunt Qiao looked at An Xin's immature face, her eyes were full of horror.

Especially at the moment when her tongue was cut off, she immediately felt even more chilly all over her body, and even the huge pain of her tongue made her temporarily ignore it.

At this moment, Aunt Qiao regretted, she regretted provoking the devil in front of her, and she was a devil for An Xin at this moment.

Just ask the teenage children, which one would say such vicious words like her, and when she cut her tongue, she didn't even blink her eyes cleanly.

Youyou's gaze fell on the girl's cheek, it was obviously a cute and charming little face, but when it came to Aunt Qiao's eyes, it immediately became a scourge, especially when she saw An Xin's gaze, she was even more frightened.

"Mother-in-law Xin'er invites you to see the lively and fragrant erotic pictures, I wonder if mother-in-law would like it." When An Xin turned her head to look at the ghost doctor, a pure smile appeared on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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