pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 190 The girl of Xueran waits for me

Chapter 190 The girl of Xueran waits for me (4)
"Qiao'er, let's help her," An said at the moment when she ran out of the room. When she saw the appearance of the An family's third mother, her eyes couldn't bear it. After all, she was also a woman. I know the pain of losing my husband.

"Mother, think about Xin'er, think about what Xin'er looked like at that time, Xin'er almost died at that time, and now the county magistrate just asked An Tietian to go to the frontier, mother, think about it if An Tietian After Tian returns, does Xin'er still have a chance to survive? It's impossible for him to let Xin'er off because he holds a grudge. After all, Xin'er humiliated him at this moment. Will you appreciate it?"

"Mother, it's not a matter of a day or two for us to know Sanbo. Mother, you should know better than anyone else that An Tietian is a beast at all. If we keep him in Pingcun, something will happen to our family. Mother, think about it." What happened in a year, if someone didn't happen to pass by, mother, what would you have become at that time?"

An Qiao knew that An's heart was softening at this moment, but she would never let An Tietian come back, even if she could let An's remember what happened that year.

In fact, when An Tietian wanted to kill An Shi, An Qiao was also there, but at that time he was crying and hiding in the dark, not daring to cry out, especially when he saw An Tietian's twisted face. When she looked at her, it frightened her even more.

"Mother, think about it, over the years, the number of times that bastard hits your attention is not enough. Mother, you must not hurt yourself for a moment of soft-heartedness. You should know that An Tietian is a wolf at all. It’s a wolf who doesn’t know how to be grateful, he can’t remember gratitude but he can remember grudges, mother, don’t do stupid things.”

Speaking of An Qiao's voice, there was a bit of swallowing. It wasn't that she was hard-hearted or cold-hearted, but those people didn't know that she was soft-hearted, especially An Tietian.

"I see," An Qiao's words made An's face turn pale for a moment, and his whole body became cold from the bottom of his feet to his heart. When he thought of the frightening experience that day, An Shi didn't dare to say more something.

In fact, when An Youwei abandoned herself, An Tietian was the person An Shi worried and feared the most. Every day she was afraid that An Tietian would come back, and every day she was worried that what happened that time would happen again .

Seeing An's face, An Qiao knew that An's was scared, so he comforted him, "Mother is fine, that bastard can't hurt our family anymore, mother, let's cook first, and then go to the construction site to see Look, a mill has already been built in that house, don't you want to see the house that Xin'er painted with her own hands?"

In order not to let An's think about those things anymore, An Qiao quickly changed the subject, but he looked at the place where An's Sanniang left, but he was still worried, and he was still thinking in his heart, wouldn't the third aunt know that she threw herself into the lake and committed suicide? ?

But soon An Qiao shook his head, thinking about it, if she knew that she committed suicide by throwing herself into the lake, then she would be the one who would suffer retribution, but even though she thought so much about her body, she still felt a little cold in her heart.

After all, it was murder. Although the third aunt's death had nothing to do with him, it was also caused by his refusal, but despite the fear in his heart, the smile on his face remained the same.

She can't be soft-hearted just because of this little ignorance, and she can't think about pleading for mercy just because the third aunt said that she wants to throw herself into the lake, because doing so will hurt her heart.

Soon An Qiao forced himself to prepare breakfast with An's calmly, because the chicken soup was destroyed, so An Qiao didn't go to the city today, and adding what Master Li said just now, An Qiao didn't dare to stay An Shi was alone at home.

(End of this chapter)

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