pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 208 The Mysterious Man

Chapter 208 The Mysterious Man (5)
"Well, then be careful, the girl will be my good sister in the future." After all, the younger sister is the younger sister. Anyway, this girl still laughs and doesn't understand anything. Do I expect her to understand the relationship between a man and a woman?
And at the moment, the two of them are, because the other party is young, so they haven't spoken their minds, and An Xin is not sure whether they really like it or not.

As for Qin Yihan, because An Xin was too young, he thought that An Xin didn't understand anything. Even if he told her, An Xin didn't know what it meant, so he didn't say anything.

When An Xin heard Qin Yihan's words, a bright smile appeared on her face, but she muttered a few words in her heart, which made her sister feel strange.

That bright smile was like a warm sun, warming the cave in an instant, as if even the cold wind couldn't blow away the warmth.

But when the next day came, when An Xin woke up, she found that Qin Yihan had disappeared. Seeing this, An Xin quickly ran out of the cave, and soon saw Qin Yihan catching fish by the creek not far away. .

After seeing Qin Yihan's figure, An Xin breathed a sigh of relief. After being kidnapped by An Tietian that time, An Xin began to resist unfamiliar places.

So after I woke up, when I saw that I was in a strange cave, I felt a fear in my heart, for fear that I would encounter a murderous hand again, but now when I saw Qin Yihan, those worries and fears dissipated in an instant .

Soon An Xin ran towards Qin Yihan, but just after running a few steps, she saw a fluffy little rabbit, An Xin swallowed when she saw the rabbit.

Although there is no game in her space, but at the moment she has no way to get it out, and the rabbit in front of her is delivered to the door, so she will not let it go.

Soon An Xin ran after the rabbit, and then threw herself on the rabbit, but at the next moment, she found herself on a soft object. is a person.

At this moment, the face of that person had already been covered by blood, and at this moment there was a very miserable wound on his abdomen, the blood flowed out again immediately after being pressed down by An Xin.

At this moment, a look of pain flashed between the man's eyebrows, especially his face became even paler, and at this moment, in his right hand, he was holding a knife from beginning to end.

An Xin saw that her heart skipped a beat at this moment, wouldn't Nima throw the corpse?
Especially when she saw the blood on the man's body, An Xin swallowed even more. It was not good for her to go out, but she jumped on the dead body just to catch a rabbit. What an unlucky rhythm.

But just when An Xin thought that he was unlucky, the corpse suddenly moved, and soon opened his eyes, with a hint of ruthlessness in his eyes, he took An Xin down with his backhand, and with a knife he Put it on An Xin's neck.

But just when An Xin thought that this person would kill her, a hint of confusion flashed in her ruthless eyes, "Is it a child?"

The man's voice was very nice, with a feeling of spring breeze, and when the man saw An Xin's appearance, the cruelty and killing intent in his eyes were much less, but the knife still did not touch An Xin's neck. take it down.

"My good man, let's talk slowly when we have something to say, don't hurt your temper, I'm just chasing a rabbit, I don't really want to jump on you, calm down, swords have no eyes, my little neck can't bear it," At this moment, An Xin felt that the extent of her unlucky situation was really not comparable to that of ordinary people.

(End of this chapter)

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