pastoral peasant girl in space

Chapter 210 The Mysterious Man

Chapter 210 The Mysterious Man (7)
"Also, don't you know how dangerous it was just now? Why are you still laughing at this moment? Do you know how much I worry about you?" Qin Yihan felt scared when he thought of this, how long has he been away from her? Then something happened to her again.

If the man in front of him really succeeded, then what he saw at this moment would be her body, but she could still smile as if nothing had happened. Could it be that she didn't know him and was worried?
"I..." Hearing Qin Yihan's words, and seeing Qin Yihan beating herself, An Xin immediately smiled even more happily, "Of course I can laugh, I only laugh because I'm fine, if there is, you're not by my side Well, I believe that where you are, I will be fine. Didn't you tell you before that you are my lucky star, and I will be safe with you, "

At this moment Qin Yihan looked angry, An Xin was not afraid but only happy, because she knew that Qin Yihan was angry because he was worried about her, and he cared because he was worried.

In fact, it is impossible for An Xin not to be afraid just now, but how about being afraid?How about screaming?Some things can't be solved just because you are afraid.

"You girl." Hearing An Xin's words, Qin Yihan felt a little weak. Every time he met this girl, even if he felt angry, he would lose his anger in the next second.

"Then what should this person do now?" Qin Yihan asked An Xin when he saw the man on the ground.

But when his eyes fell on the stone beside him, he paused for a moment, and soon realized that this person might be knocked out by a stone for An Xin, but this girl is also tough.

"What are you looking at? It's because he put a knife on my neck first. I'm self-defense," An Xin said when she saw Qin Yihan's gaze. Who told that man to kill herself indiscriminately? Give it to him. One stone already gave him a lot of face.

"Of course I know this, come here," Qin Yihan pulled An Xin to his side, and then took out a small box in his arms, "Your temperament, I knew it would be like this, but I am also happy, I would rather The injured person is someone else, and I don't want someone else to hurt you, so I don't blame you for being serious."

After speaking, he opened the box, and soon a fragrant smell came to his nostrils. After opening the box, Qin Yihan made some ointment and applied it on An Xin's neck.

"This was left by the master before he left. I knew that you girl loves to get hurt every day, so I took it with me. I'll give it to you now. If I'm not around, you can also take it and use it. Don't worry, you can do it in the future." When doing things, don't be too reckless, if you didn't succeed just now, you will be the one who suffers, so next time I have something to deal with when I come back, "

As she spoke, she passed the ointment to An Xin, and when An Xin took the ointment, she nodded, but she didn't think that way in her heart. If she really waited for Qin Yihan, wouldn't she really be dead, but she also Will not win his mind.

"Brother Yihan, is he dead?" After taking the ointment, An Xin looked at the people on the ground, but there was a hint of complexity in her eyes.

Although the person in front of her wanted to kill herself just now, she didn't want others to die, after all, they didn't have any deep hatred.

"Don't worry, he won't die," Qin Yihan said indifferently, but his tone was much colder. This person's inner strength is quite good, and judging by his attire, he probably has a different origin. At this moment, Qin Yihan is thinking, to kill him That?Or save him?

(End of this chapter)

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